Chapter 48

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They stood before the console, Evra and Yoval behind them. "This is it." Olivia said breathing hard. "Time to go."

"I hate this." Scott replied, disgruntled. He didn't like being unable to help. "There has to be another way."

Olivia rolled her eyes at him. "Well there isn't. We have discussed and debated every possible way of doing this and me transporting us both is it."

"What if your implant can't take the strain?" Scott fussed.

"I guess we'll just have to try it and find out." Olivia said, a touch of impatience in her voice. She turned to the Angara. "Thank you." She said to them. "For everything. For keeping Kendra."

"The woman will not permitted to return." Evra nodded. "It was interesting to meet you both, Olivia Taylor and Scott Ryder."

"Last chance to come with us?" She offered. "Your people would welcome you."

"Thank you, but no." Yoval said. Her voice surprised them. She had been largely silent most of the time. "This is my home." Evra nodded, his eyes sad.

"Then I guess it's time to try this." Olivia swallowed hard, suddenly afraid. "Hold onto me." Scott wrapped an arm tightly around her waist, the other holding hers. She laid her hand on the console and focused.

It felt like her head was exploding with pain. It burst through her skull like a flame, spots dancing in front her eyes, her ears ringing. She wobbled on her feet.

When she opened her eyes again, the room they stood in was different, dirty and battle scarred. The Angara were gone.

Exhausted, she pulled herself free of Scott, sitting on the floor heavily. A little blood trickled from her nose. He knelt down beside her, his eyes wondering. "You did it!" He marveled proudly. "You saved us." His lips touched her forehead. "Nice work, firefly."

Olivia laughed, closing her eyes. "I'm not doing that again."

"I'll go check out who's around. You stay and rest." He ordered her with a grin. Olivia sighed, watching him go. It took a while. He was cursing as he climbed back down. "They've gone and taken the ship."

Olivia laughed humorlessly. "So we're stranded?"

"There's radio equipment." Scott said. "Might be able to reach the others." As he dragged it down, she couldn't help but smile. This new thing between her and Scott, whatever it was, made her happy in a way she couldn't describe. Things were so easy between them, chattering, smiling, even when they argued.

He understands me, she thought. And accepts me. He doesn't try to limit or control me. "This is Pathfinder Ryder. Is anyone receiving me?"


Sara Ryder was back in Prodromos. She had resisted all attempts to send her back to the Nexus. They had waited by the Remnant ruin for three days, in a futile attempt to reach Scott and Olivia. Cora had kept her confined on the Tempest, and even screaming at SAM to help her hadn't worked. The artificial intelligence believed it in her best interest to keep her behind.

She found it so frustrating. She couldn't lose Scott. And Olivia, her new friend in this strange new galaxy. After days of waiting, the Nexus had ordered Cora, as the current Pathfinder to return for new orders. She had gone, despite being upset, and the crew borderline mutinous at leaving Scott behind.

Sara had absolutely refused to go with them, but Olivia's friends, Lyora, Nunok, Vee and Nina Taylor had also stayed behind and were basically holding her to hostage to stop her running off. Every day she tried to radio the ruins. They'd left gear behind, just in case. But it had been a week now.

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