You felt sweaty and gross, like your blazer suddenly became too small and hot for you to wear. Slowly you took off your school blazer, it was mid September so you didn't know why your body felt like it was in the middle of a heat storm. Quickly brushing out your hair, you put your glasses on while coughing.

You cleared your throat because it felt like slime has been building up in the back of your throat for the past hours. You rubbed your cheeks a bit before grabbing your blazer and heading out. You looked over at the spotty lighting of your cold empty apartment before leaving. You were use to being alone, but it never meant you liked being alone.


When you finally got to school, you noticed that the maknaes weren't creating chaos at the lockers in the morning like they usually do. As you changed shoes you saw something run by out if the corner of your eye. Quickly looking over you saw the back of a girl run off to class while reading a workbook. You check the time and realized you were roughly an hour late, rubbing out the creases in your forehead confused, you were sure you left early.

Feeling heated up again out of no where, you undid the top button on your shirt before gripping the front to fan yourself. Every minute you stayed at school you could feel your energy giving out. You took at least five different cold medicines before you left but you still felt sluggish and heated as hell.

Twisting your foot a bit until you felt the heel of your school shoe slip on, you went off to class but stopped in front of a poster. Looking at the newish tape that's peeling of the white painted walls, you read the large bold text.

'Students who fail any subject finals will have to do mandatory tutoring and retakes during fall break.'

Now it hit you why they wanted to study out of nowhere. You wouldn't want to get stuck here over break, but you never even failed a practice test so you were confident without studying. Before you could head off to class someone stopped you by grabbing the back of your shirt. Looking over you met eyes with Suga, or at least Ms. Yoongi.

"You look like shit." He said after his eyes traced over every detail of your face.

"I do not want to hear that from someone dressed in high school drag." You replied with while tiredly hitting his arm away making him let go of you. You fixed the front of your shirt since he pull on it from the back.

"You say it like I like dressing up like this." He gestured to the uniform and blew the wig hairs out of his face. Reaching into your blazer pocket that you had tied around your waist, you gave him a hair tie. He cocked an eyebrow at you then at the hair tie you held out. Annoyed with him taking his sweet time on staring you shook your head in annoyance while stepping onto your tippy toes.

His naturally tired eyes widen at you when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his neck. Pressing your chest against his you stared into his eyes with your noses being just a few centimeters. The amount of padding he was using made you fight the urge to grab his fake tiddy.

His onyx eyes darted around as they looked into your [E/C] orbs to figure out what you were thinking. Suddenly his eyes brown furrowed down, like he came back to his sense. You expected him to cuss you out or make snarky comments about how he thinks your trying to get everyone under your finger.

"You're hot, [Y/N]." He said breathlessly. That was not one of the two options I thought of. You thought to yourself as you finished tying his hair into a low pony tail. Stepping back to put more space between you and his now smushed fake boobs. He slowly reached up touching the back of his neck then traced his hand up along his pony tail.

"I already have Jimin trying to climb into my pants, so hard pass." You told him as you fanned yourself with your hand along your neck.

"Don't flatter yourself [Y/N], you're hardly my type." Suga made a sassy comeback as he tucked back some loose hair strands behind his ear.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now