15 - I brought bear spray

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"Get your fat ass's up and help put the grocery's away" Beverly demands the losers. Ben rushes over behind the counter and unloads a grocery bag. Stan sits and looks out the window. Mike is on his phone. Bill's getting his stuff out of the car still. Eddie is avoiding eye contact with Richie. Richie is staring at Eddie longingly. He could read your mind stop

"Ok so you guys that aren't doing the grocery's, you can go set up your bed" Bev tells the losers doing nothing

"Where are we supposed to go?" Stan asks

Bev thinks for a moment "Well I'll sleep in my grandmas bedroom, someone can sleep on the couch, two can sleep in the other bedroom and 3 can sleep in the loft, there's a bed and a bunk bed up there. You can figure out who goes where"

"I'll go on the couch" mike speaks up tossing his duffel bag on it to claim it

"I want to go in the loft" says Ben and Bill at the same time

"I will too" Eddie chimes in

"So me and Richie go in the other bedroom then, right?" Stan asks

"Yep" Bev replies pointing to the door down the hall

Stan nods and goes there

Eddie heaves his backpack back over his shoulder and rolls his suitcase over to narrow wood the stair case to the loft. Bill and Ben follow behind him. They get up there and behind the beds is a big glass window and a fire place. Bill and Ben claim the bunk bed which leaves twin bed for Eddie. He puts his suitcase on the foot of his bed and tosses his backpack to the side of it. Ben is on the the bottom bunk of the bunk bed and Bill is on the top. There's a small night stand between the the two beds

"Can I use this?" Eddie asks

"Go for it, I don't need it and I don't think Bill does either, right Bill?" Ben says

"Nope. Go ahead" Bill calls from his bunk

"Ok thanks" Eddie says opening his backpack. He pulls out his Fanny pack that he took off in the car and takes out his placebos

"It's not even p-pill time though" Bill says to Eddie peering down from the top bunk

"I know. I decided I am not taking these. It's just annoying and so is my mom"

Bens eyes widen. "Are you sure? I thought you don't mind taking them though"

Eddie shrugs "well i don't know. It's just annoying. And pointless. Ill dump some out so my mom thinks I took them"

Bill nods and Ben sighs

"Hey B-ben I think Bev is calling f-f-for you" Bill says to Ben

"Really?" Ben asks getting up "Ok see ya guys" and he goes back downstairs. Bev didn't call for him. Or maybe Eddie just didn't hear it.

"Was she really calling?" He asks Bill confused. Bill smirks and laughs a little

"Nope. I just wanted to a-ask you s-something"

This makes Eddie a little nervous. Oh god. What's he gonna say? He was next to him and Richie in the car, maybe he saw? Hopefully he didn't see. Maybe that's not what he's asking

"Do you like Richie?" Bill asks

Um. Well he was hoping he wouldn't ask something like that. Shit. What do I say?
He does. That was kinda established in the van. But should Bill know? Maybe this is a test! Maybe Bill does know that he does like him, and is trying to see if Eddie is gonna lie. This is dumb. I'm over thinking this!

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