I'm sorry?

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"Are you going to tell me what the hell happened back there?" Felix asked as he handed Sean a cup of coffee. It's been three hours since the... Incident and Sean has been silent for most of the time, his skin paper white. He was completely shook.

He looked up to meet Felix's worried gaze but he made no effort to reassure him with a smile nor with words. "Sean, the key component to a relationship is communication. I've tolerated your efforts to avoid talking about yourself for long enough. I need to know what happened back there..."

"I can't say", Sean finally spoke.

"Why not? How can I help you if you won't tell me what you're going through? Do you know Mark or something? Because you were fine until he arrived and I just-"

"I told you Felix, I. Can't. Say", Sean cringed at the name 'Mark", he eyes shot to Felix sharply and he waited for him to recoil and give up, but he didn't. "So you do know Mark? How?"


"Jack", he challenged, sitting beside Sean and staring at him seriously. Felix was never a serious man, so seeing him so stern was rather unnatural to Sean. Seriousness didn't suit Felix at all.

"Listen", Felix started. "Maybe you were mistaken, I don't know how Mark could've made you so tormented since he's a really nice guy. I just want to know why he had such an effect on you to the point you had a full on mental breakdown."

"I can't believe he's real", Sean muttered to himself, a sense of rage bubbling within his gut. "What do you mean?"

Sean looked at him for a moment and considered sharing his tale. Talking about it probably would prove beneficial since he's kept it in for so long. Suffering in silence can only go so far until you feel like you're to the point of boiling over. Besides, he knew he could trust Felix. Felix has never proven him to believe otherwise...



Sean jolted awake to the sound of a knock at his door, his eyes opening and looking out his door to the main room. He scoffed and slid out of the warmth of his bed when he heard the person continue to knock even after Sean neglected to answer after several minutes.

The soft padding of his warm feet treaded over the cold wooden floor, making his way to his door. He took a glance at his digital clock on the counter and took note it was 7:30 am.

He groaned and reached the door, placing his hand on the knob and unlocking the door before ripping it open while spitting a spiteful 'What?!'

Shock filled his body as he was met with the surprised brown eyes of Mark's. They stared at one another for a few seconds before Mark cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck. "S-Sorry to bother you so-"

Sean slammed the door shut the moment he heard his voice and stared at the now closed door in pure horror. He felt an uneasy churn develop in his stomach and he feared whether he'd vomit or not. He pulled the door open again and peeked out, seeing Mark still standing outside while looking both flustered and humiliated.

"Bad time?" He smiled awkwardly and Sean shrieked loudly, watching Mark flinch and step back in surprise at the suddenness of his voice. Sean looked away from Mark and counted to three before looking back both frightened and dishearted that he was still standing there.

"What do you want?" Sean's voice cracked as he tried to communicate with this... Entity.

"Right.. Uh... Are you gonna slam the door in my face again?"

"If you don't get to the point", Sean snapped at him harshly, Mark narrowing his eyes ever so slightly at the bitterness that etched his language. "I wanted to... Apologise I guess, what for I'm not sure. Felix told me I had to get my ass here and apologise..."

"Felix... You..." Sean hissed to himself and pulled the door open fully, eyeing Mark from head to toe shamelessly. He wasn't thinking about his actions, still in disbelief that this was actually real and wondering whether he was still asleep or not. "You're... Real?"

"Excuse me?"

Sean stepped towards him timidly and reached out, poking Mark's chest and quickly bringing his hand back to his body as he stared at him with wide eyes.

"Are you... Okay?" Mark was thoroughly creeped out by Sean's peculiar behaviour. Did he have a few loose screws?

"How are you..."


"This is impossible", Sean placed his hands on Mark's shoulders and squeezed lightly, Mark lowering under Jack's touch in attempt to remove his hold on him. "What the fuck are you doing?" He hissed, giving Sean a crazy look while holding his hands in front of him in defense.

"Mark Fischbach? You're 29 years old on the 28th of June?" Sean interrogated and Mark shifted in displeasure. "I've never met you before... How do you know that about me? Did Felix tell you that?"

Sean placed his hands on Mark's chest and backed him up into a wall, Mark's eyes widening exponentially. "Hey hey, listen you're cool and all but..."

"You're not gay", Sean spoke mindlessly as his eyes looked Mark over, his gaze still offered serious disbelief that this was actually real. Mark was beyond uncomfortable.

"Uh... No that's... I'm pansexual but that's not the point... You're with Felix and I'm not interested in being..."

"Don't flatter yourself", Sean scoffed and stared up into Mark's eyes before he glared. "Why... Did you have to come back?" Sean questioned and Mark pushed Sean away while he cleared his throat to show his discomfort.

"Listen, I'm sorry for whatever I have done to you, really. But clearly me being here was a huge mistake and I think it'd be best if I just go... I hope whatever issues you are facing gets resolved..." He said calmly, trying not to lose his temper as Sean's stare grew more firm and hateful.

"One more thing..."

"Please let it be the last", Mark muttered and was taken by extreme surprise as Sean wrapped his arms around Mark, pulling him into a heartfelt hug. It was unbelievably awkward at first. He didn't know what Sean was doing and why but soon he could feel Sean beginning to shake as he cried silently. He blinked and rose his hands to hug him back, feeling the hold tighten around him as Sean cried more.

"I hate you."


"I hate you so fucking much."

"I'm sorry..."

"Fuck you", Sean ripped himself from Mark and stared at him through hateful watery eyes suddenly swinging and sending a powerful punch at Mark's gut, making the older man gasp and curl over as the wind was forced from his lungs.

"Stay away from me", Sean spat and backed away, retreating into his room and slamming the door shut.


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