"Why would I want to do that?" I asked.

Maddie gave me a knowing look and said "Because you like him."

"I don't. Not like that anyway."

"Don't give me that. I've seen the way you look at him. It's why Sandy won't let you get near him."

I looked at Maddie horrified. "You mean Sandy knows too? Does everyone know? Is it that obvious?" I felt my cheeks burning like never before and I could feel the panic rising inside of me.

"Calm down." Maddie said taking my arm "Men don't notice these things. So it's only me and Sandy that know and Sandy isn't going to be saying anything just in case Taylor likes you back."

I hurried from the stage, I needed somewhere to hide. I couldn't face anyone right now in case Maddie was wrong and everyone knew. I found a small, empty room and shut the door behind me. I sat down on the floor and put my head on my knees, breathing heavily, trying to get my panic under control. We had a concert tonight, I had to go out there with the band and perform. I couldn't let them see me, not like this.

I'd been sat there for quite a while when the door opened. I snapped my head up to see who was there, it was Taylor. "What are you doing down there?" he asked.

"I just needed a few minutes to get my head together." I told him.

"Well, we've been looking for you everywhere. Why don't you come and sit with the rest of us?"

"No I just need to be alone for a minute."

"Nervous?" he asked, ignoring the idea of me being alone and instead sitting on the floor beside me.

"Yeah, a bit."

"Hey you'll be fine." he said nudging me playfully "I've heard you sing remember."

"But not in front of that many people." I told him.

"It's OK. With all the lights you can't see them anyway." He looked at me and grinned. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "That's better. You look much prettier when you smile." His words made butterflies flutter inside me. I knew he was just being friendly and making me feel better but I loved hearing him say it anyway. I tried so hard to keep my feelings under control but the moment he smiled at me all my efforts were in vain.

He stood and held out his hand towards me. "Come on." he said.

I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. I might as well go with him, I couldn't hide out forever. I followed him down the hallway to a large room with comfy sofas where everyone was sat around chatting. "Found her." he called as we walked in.

"We thought you'd made a run for it." Dave said

I laughed. "No. I'm still here."

"Good." Dave went on "Now take a seat and help yourself to any drinks and food you want." He said pointing to the table full of stuff.

I took a seat next to Maddie "Was it something I said?" She said "I didn't frighten you did I?"

"A little bit." I confessed "I just needed a few minutes alone to get myself sorted out."

"I'm sorry. I wish I hadn't said anything now."

"No it's fine." I smiled, trying to convince myself as well as her.

Just then Taylor and Dave wandered over to join the rest of us. Dave sat next to Shifty and Taylor plonked himself down on the sofa beside me. He was slouched so low he was almost sliding off the seat. I felt my heat start to race feeling him against my leg. As everyone chatted and Taylor fidgeted I would feel him brush against me every so often and my skin would tingle at the brief touches.

It took a while but as the time went on I relaxed and began to join in with the conversations that were going on. They were a fun group to be with. It felt like only a few minutes rather than hours before it was time to get up on stage. As everyone started to get up Taylor slapped his hand on my leg "You ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be." I managed to say even though my insides were churning from his touch. He laughed and we all stood and headed to the edge of the stage. Once we were there, we stood for a little while as the lights went out and the crowd started to cheer. Then Dave ran onto the stage followed by the others. When the band were in their places, as the crowd still cheered me, Maddie and Sandy walked quietly to our microphones.

As the first song started Taylor looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and felt my nerves disappear as I started to sing with the others.

The three hour concert seemed to be over in a flash and soon we were all being waved to the front of the stage by Dave to line up for a bow. As I walked over, Taylor held his arm up for me to link with him but Sandy pushed in between us and slung her arm round his back. I took my place next to her and as soon as the bow was over I walked away and off the stage. I'd had a great night but even though I was excited I felt tired and I really couldn't deal with her right now or my feelings for Taylor. I was glad to be able to leave before the band as they met fans at the stage door and head back to the hotel.

You Drive Me Insane (But I Like It)Where stories live. Discover now