CHAPTER 20: Lazurus

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"We have to beat him in order for Lincoln to stay alive?!" Nova yelled. Jacob brushed the dirt off himself as he stood up.
"Bringing someone back from the dead breaks the rules of humanity. Death stalkers are there to make sure you can't do it without a fight. There are two death stalkers out there. Anubis and Lazurus." The well dressed pumpkin man was about halfway to them.
"What's the difference between the two?" John asked. Jacob sighed.
"Lazarus fights really quickly, but his attacks are not that strong. If we can hit him faster than he can hit us, we can beat him." Lincoln cursed under his breath.
"On your feet everyone, he's here." Lazarus stood maybe twenty feet away from them. He spoke in a raspy voice.
"Jacob Richardson. Why am I  not surprised it is you that who is breaking the rules of death?" Jacob grinned.
"Do you want the short version or the long one?" He said sarcastically. The faceless pumpkin head tilted to the side.
"That boy chose to take his own life. It is not your place to fiddle with his destiny. What say you in your defense?"
"Fools have all the fun?" He said fittingly. Lazurus's hand of vines slowly grew into a long, sharp, curved, green blade.
"And so you will die a fools death!" He ran at Jacob. He moved very quickly. As soon as he came upon him he brought his sword down on his neck, but it phased through him. When he landed he was hit by a blast of fire. Natalie stood to the side of Rose, about ten feet away. Jacobs hologram spell faded away as soon as the fire hit. From a little ways away, Jacob reappeared and shot a lightning bolt at Lazurus. Lazarus dodged and turned in the direction of Natalie. He ran at her but was hit by a small ball of lightning.
"Hey pumpkin face!" John yelled. "You look like a idiot!" He readied another ball of lightning. Lazarus had stopped his advance on Natalie and his head turned towards John. Almost immediately he had moved in front of John, using his free hand to pin him down.
"You have a bleak future. A powerful man will end you when you least expect it." Lazurus told John as he raised his sword. John grinned.
"Good thing I have a taste for powerful men." As Lazurus cocked his head at the sentence, a blast of arcane energy sent him flying into a tree. Jacob was holding a smoking book. He ran up to the group.
"I need to tell you guys something." He said. "Lazurus can use certain types of magic. Waves of black energy, petrification, and powerful death spells. But there is one you have to be carefully for. Its called Fear hyp-" he was shot by a blast of dark looking energy, sending him flying across the cemetery.
"What did he say?" Nova asked frightenedly. Lazarus ran up to them. John tried to kick him but was knocked aside along with Rose. Natalie formed fire around her fists and tried to punch him, but he blocked her and kicked her aside. Lincoln and Nova both tried to hit him. He blocked Nova and kicked Lincoln aside. He turned to Nova, who was being held down by him.
"I enjoy you. Your afraid of me. You will be my slave, and will sit beside me and Anubis as our pet." His tailcoat opened and a dark hole in his chest was revealed. As he forced Nova to look into the void her eyes began flickering between a red and white color. Jacob ran back to the group.
"No." He said as he saw what Lazurus was doing to the poor girl. John had regained consciousness after he had hit a head stone. He looked at Lazurus and Nova. "Get away from her!" He yelled. He started to run towards her but was tackled by Jacob.
"Don't!" He told him. "Lazurus already has her, if you attack him you will be hurting her." John shoved Jacob off of him.
"But I have to save her!" He yelled. Jacob turned towards Lazurus.
"Why are you taking her? She isnt the one you want!" He yelled to the demon. Lazurus's head did a 180 and stared at Jacob.
"The rules of Death have changed, Jacob Richardson. Your understanding of the Pardox code is faulty. You have brought one back to life. I must take one back, but it need not be him. I have chosen my collateral, and you have lost." A darkness enveloped the death stalker and the girl, and they disappeared.

Hey readers! I've always said that "I'm not going to post on weekends" but I decided that scheduling my story has become a nuiscence to me as we get into deeper stories.
Your loving author

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