The Human Trinity

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Adopt your parents' creeds and convictions.

Pick a few verses, go on a mission.

Follow your faith, without contemplation,

But blind faith only halts your progression

As a thinker and a human being,

A person who is capable of seeing

Another side of the coin. Just respect

The thought that your ideas may not be correct.

They're easy to find if you stop and search,

Ideas that differ from the ones at church.

About God, and death, and the world's creation,

Giving you a new appreciation

Of other cultures, and people, and religions.

Helping you realize the position

That we all share. Wanting to use every breath

For living and loving before we face death.

Maybe then we could live in unity.

With love, peace, and respect, the Human Trinity.    

Adolescence and LossOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz