“Cmon Damien. It’s been over a year. Get over it. You can be a pro fighter now!” he mumbled.

“How can I get over something like that? How do you expect me to live my life in regret and guilt? It was my fault they’re gone all my fault, and I can’t live with that burden. I hate these fucked up fights, but if that means finding the guy who did this then that’s what I’ll need to go through. I’m not aiming to be an idiotic fighter of illegal fights. I just want my revenge.” I growled at him leaving him in awe.

His mouth was hanging open as he tried to let out an apology, but it was too late.

I heard police sirens in the distance and I knew that was my cue to leave. I started my bike and sped off in the dark.


Bianca’s P.O.V:

The day before






What the hell is that annoying sound?


Oh it’s the alarm.

“I hate school.” I mumbled quietly turning of the alarm and pulling the covers back over my head.

“Get up Bianca, get up, get up!” my 5 year old sister Julia screamed and jumped on my bed trying to wake me up.

“Mommy made pancakes for us.” She grinned and got off of my bed.

“Ok Jules.” I smiled weakly still not fully awake. Julia pranced out of my room closing the door.

I shuffled out of bed and went through the long empty corridors to my art department. Yeah, yeah I know you’re probably thinking ‘what the hell, she has an art department?!’ truth is my stepmom is loaded with cash. But no she’s not a “stepmonster” or anything like that. She’s actually a really nice woman who my dad loves. At least she has never cheated on my dad like my mother had. I shivered at the memory, but brushed it off leaving it in the back of my thoughts.

I glanced to the paintings in front of me and grab a brush heading over to my most recent painting. The blur of colors blended together as I ran the brush over the canvas. I loved painting. It always relaxed me and kept my mind off of things going on. Art was my escape. Cheesy, I know but it’s true.

I heard my dad yelling from downstairs that he was going to be late for work. My eyes widened. Shit I spent too much time here.

I ran to the bathroom and almost slipped on the wet floor. I took a shower the night before so I just brushed my teeth, put some mascara, and hurried to my room. I entered my large bedroom and went straight to my walk in closet. By now I’m positive you think I’m a stuck up rich kid that’s extremely popular. But no, at school, I’m no one. I slipped on a pair of skinny black jeans, a long-sleeved peplum top, and a pair of black combat boots. I tied by straight strawberry blond hair into a ponytail. I had 10 minutes to get to school. I grabbed my shoulder bag and headed down to the kitchen.

“Hey mom can I borrow your car?” I asked taking an apple from the counter.

“Of course just take the other one I need this one to drop Julia off to daycare and get to work.” Mom said kissing my cheek and pointing over to the fancy car in the driveway. Her long wavy black hair was now in a tight sophisticated bun.  My stepmom was a business woman who worked in a big corporate company. She was always busy. She would usually leave home at around 8 a.m. and wouldn’t be back until 8 p.m., but she loved her job and you could see how her face would just light up whenever she talked about it. Her heels clicked as she walked out of the house with Julia in her arms.

I quickly ran to the garage and got in the sleek white car. I started driving down the roads of my town. I lived close to my school so it only took me 5 minutes to get there. I made a turn to the small parking lot of my school.

 My school was a large dark building with red bricks lining each wall.  Riverdell High school, we were the Jaguars. Our school holds the popular crowd or the “A listers” as they would call themselves, then there are the jocks: the football team, basketball team, soccer team, etc., then come the nerds: computer geeks, mathletes, etc., and then there’s “my group” the normal people. We’re just regular students in a high school. Oh, but there’s one more group consisting of one. The Delinquent, Damien Stryker.

The hot baddass who could never stay out of trouble. He came to school on a big motorcycle and a lighted cigarette hanging from his pierced lips. With his dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, well sculpted body, and an arm slightly tattooed, he had all the girls’ hearts wrapped around his tiniest finger, including mine.  Well to be honest here, I’ve had a minor crush on him for the past year. Problem is Damien didn’t give a damn about dating, especially not about dating me.

I raced to the front entrance of the building pushing through the heavy silver doors. The floor of my school was tiled. I was running with my bag and books when I slammed my head into something hard.

“Ouch.” I grabbed my head.

“I must say you have a pretty hard head.” A deep husky voice said amusingly.  

Oh, no.

I looked up to meet the infamous Damien Stryker.

“You know nerd, you should probably watch where you’re going next time.” He said in an aggravated tone.  


“Well you should probably apologize when you nearly give someone a concussion.” I said matching his tone perfectly.

He rolled his eyes before saying, “I’ll take you to the nurse, yeah?”

“That’d be great; I can feel my head throbbing.”

We started walking and I finally got to take a good look at him. His hair was a perfect mess under his snapback. He was wearing a white t-shirt that showed off his tattoo. The dark gray jeans that hung low on his hips made his legs look slightly longer. His chunky black boots made heavy loud sounds as he walked.  

“What’s your name?” Ha, it’s not like I didn’t know his name.

“I know you know my name, but if you actually didn’t, it’s Damien.”  That smug bastard read my mind.  

“Whatever.” I mumbled earning a chuckle from Damien.

"And you're Bianca?" Damien asked but it was more of a statement. I was shocked he knew my name and I was gonna ask how, but I just decided to nod instead. 

“And next time you decide to check me out, be discrete about it.” Damien winked as we finally entered the nurse’s empty office. He was turning to leave. Was he serious?

“Don’t leave. You did this to me.” I whined.

Rolling his eyes Damien turned back around and sat down next to me.

“By the way Damien, I was never checking you out.” I shot daggers at him.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat sunshine.” He laughed.

Stupid, stupid bad boy.


 second chapter! how are you liking it so far :D? 

to the side is a picture of Damien. and if you're wondering, in Bianca's P.O.V it was the day before the fight. :)

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