Chapter 16: Consequences

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Rachel's POV
After the dinner was over, Garfield insisted that he drives me home. I wanted to decline his offer but honestly, I didn't feel like waiting for the bus in the dark. I also wanted to ask him why he talked about me so much to his family although I wasn't really his girlfriend.

Garfield was driving me home when I asked him, "Gar, how come your family knows so much about me even though I'm not really your girlfriend."

I saw him tense next to me. "I may or may not have talked about you in front of them....several times."

"Yeah, I figured. But why?" I pressed.

"Wh-what do you mean why? I-I just talked about you because..." he gulped.


"Because I, because I LIKE YOU RACHEL!" He yelled. "I like you." He whispered it again. "I like you so much that it hurts when you ignore me. I like how you are so witty and smart. I like your sarcasm. I like how you're so beautiful. You're the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on, Rae, and I can't hide my feelings anymore."

We were currently in front of my house and I was both speechless and awestruck. I didn't know what to tell him. A part of me kept telling me that everything he just said was a lie. But another part of me wanted it to be real which brought the questions that follow: Did Iike him? No one had ever told me that they liked me before. If I said that I liked him back, what would we be? If we dated for awhile, would he then ask me to be his girlfriend? Or would he leave me?

Thousands of thoughts and scenarios flashed through my mind. For the first time in my life, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think rationally and I was seriously conflicted, my emotions were in a state of pandemonium.

"Please say something." He whispered.

"Gar I-I....I have to go." I did the stupidest thing a person could ever do in a situation like this and bolted out of the car.

Once I reached my front door, I took a quick glance back and saw him looking in front of him with a hurtful expression on his face that made my heart ache. 'What have I done?'

I didn't have much time to think of an answer to that question because once I opened the front door, I was immediately greeted by someone that I totally forgot. In front of me was my 'father' with an intimidating expression that made me shudder. I tried not to show it though.

Something that I learned throughout my years in that house was to never give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear or tears. It took me several years to perfect the emotionless expression and hide all my pain and emotions behind it. It sure wasn't easy.

"Where were you?" He said with a low  calm voice that I scarcely ever heard of him, which only meant that tonight wasn't going to be like any other night.

I stayed quiet and didn't answer him, I only looked at the floor. He grabbed my face harshly and lifted it up to a point that pained my neck.

"I'll ask again. Where were you?" He asked in an even lower and intimitdating voice, if that was even possible.

I balled my trembling hands into fists and said in a small but straight voice, "Out."

He let go of my face and slapped me with the back of his hand. "'Out' doesn't cut it." He grabbed my hair and pulled it backwards, "You were whoring around with that f*ckboy that just drove you, weren't you?"

"No, I wasn't." I said through gritted teeth, "And he is way better than you are."

I had no idea where that courage came from but I was proud of myself in that moment and it felt great talking back to him. What wasn't so great though, was the beating that followed. The one that I'll never forget. The one that left me with a scar.

He let go of my hair and kicked me several times. I was confused when he left but my confusion vanished and fear took over when he came back with a knife in his hand. I was on the ground so he lifted me up by my neck then slammed me against the wall. I put my hands on his as a reflex to try and loosen his grip but I failed. His grip was as strong as iron.

"You'll never talk to that boy again or I swear I will kill you both. You know that I'm capable of it. So if you don't want your little boy to die like your pathetic mother did, you'll stay away from him." He threatened and unfortunately, he was right. He could kill us both if he wanted to.

I became furious when he talked about my mother like that so I hit him where it hurts but apparently I wasn't strong enough due to the small amount of oxygen I was recieving.

"You think you can fight back? I'll show you what you get for trying." He yelled unpained by my pathetic attempt.

Next thing I know, I was greeted by an agonizing pain in my forehead because of his knife. I screamed in agony but I knew there was no use. Fortunately, I didn't have to suffer much longer because his phone started ringing.

"You're lucky I need to answer this call. Now get out of my sight." He spat and I dropped to the floor.

I scurried away from him and to my room. I looked in the mirror and saw a sight that made my face contour into an expression of pain and disgust. On my forehead was an ugly scar that was sure to be bigger if his phone hadn't rang. It was infected so I went to my drawer and got a disinfectant along with a needle and a thread and started to stich my face. Of course I did a poor job because I wasn't exactly a doctor. I allowed a few tears to escape that night and then sleep took over.
A/N: Gar finally admitted his feelings, yayy!!! I think I owe you all an apology for not updating sooner but I got caught up on some things. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for sticking around till now.

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