chapter 1

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*Derek's POV *

     its been two months since I turned into a alpha. as I was sleeping I heard a familer scream. I haven't heard it in a while. I thought it was a dream but it got louder. I woke up and still heard it.

   I usually don't help others but I found myself running in the woods trying to find the person who was screaming in pain.

*Brooke's POV *

      I heard someone running in the woods. someone ran to my side. I looked at the person closely and said, " D- Derek is that you?" he narrowed his eyes and said, " oh my god Brooke is that you?"

    I tried to say something but everything went black. I then opened my eyes looking at a ceiling. I bolted up and saw Derek sitting on the other side of the room. he rushed over to my side and looked in my eyes.

* Derek's POV *

       I was watching her while see was sleeping. I was so shocked to see her after 10 years. she was the only girl that knew I was a werewolf. I then saw her get up, and I rushed to her side.

        I looked into her eyes for a while then held her hand. she saw a black colored liquid go into my veins. I could since what see was thinking and she pulled her hand away.

      I tried to grab her hand but she pulled it away and said, " Derek you know I don't like when you take my pain." I then said, " Brooke your going to die but I can save you." I saw her eyes get wide and she shouted, " then what are you waiting for do it!"

          I rest my hand on hers and nervously said, " Brooke I have to turn you into a werewolf to save you!" I was about to cry but she grabbed my chin and made me look into her dark brown eyes.

      she said calmly, " Derek it's okay just please do it." I could tell that she was trying to act okay but her heart rate was going really fast. I lifted up her shirt and bit her side. I watched as she screamed in pain and I started to cry.

       I love this girl and now I put her in this pain. I put my hand to were I bit her and took most of her pain. when she opened her eyes they were red. I was shocked cause it is really rare to be an alpha when you first get bit.

* Brooke's POV *

    I opened my eyes and Derek handed me a mirror. I asked, " why are my eyes red?" he chuckled and said, " when you turn into a werewolf that is what your eyes will look like, you are an alpha." I didn't ask anymore questions since I basically already knew all the answers.

      Derek and I have been friend for as long as I could remember. I was so happy that he was still living in Beacon Hills and came to save me. I've always loved him but never had the guts to tell him.

      Derek broke the silence and said, " why did you come back to Beacon Hills?" I took a breath, " I came back here to be at home and to tell you something.? then Derek asked if I had a place to stay I shook my head no.

       he told me that I could live with him. I smiled and pulled him in for a hug. he the unexpectedly asked, " what do you want to tell me?" I took a deep breath.

* Derek's POV *

        I could hear her heart beat rise really fast. she then said, " Derek I came to tell you that I- I love you." I looked at her in shock and smiled. I then picked her up and kissed her.

      I knew that she could tell that my heart rate increased. I have been waiting for a very long time to hold her in my arms.

        now after ten years of her being gone and her finally coming back I could kiss her soft lips.

I Love You Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now