The End of Everything

Start from the beginning

Tachi, on the other hand, could feel almost nothing, and everything at the same time. There were times when he felt anger. Anger towards the Hokage. Towards Sasuke. Towards the medics. There were times when he felt sadness. Sadness whenever he would think, or remember, or be reminded of something that reminded him of Izami. They had always shared a special bond, like most twins often feel, and had thus always been particularly close. It was that bond he knew he was always going to miss, and would never have again. There were times when he'd feel guilt. Guilt for having drift away from his sister over the last few years, but they had both had so much happen. They both had kids. They both moved on with their lives. They both lived in separate villages, so of course there couldn't be regular contact, but still...He should have made more of an attempt. He should have made of an attempt to call everyday. Write. Do something than the occasional visit. He should have tried to make more contact. There times when he'd feel numb. Times, when he couldn't really feel anything, but just felt incredibly lost and confused. He just wanted this whole thing to be over with.

Everyone else that was in Izami's life, had their own emotional state as well. They all missed her, and were quiet saddened, but some were more affected than others. The ones that were perhaps more affected were Kiba, and Sakura. Kiba still really liked Izami, and felt an array of emotions when he heard about her death from Naruto. He was angry, mostly, and saddened, secondly. Sakura, on the other hand, also felt the very same emotions, and guilt all at the same time. As her medic, as a medic trained by the greatest medic in the world, she should have been able to do more, but in the end, she couldn't do anything. She never felt so useless as she did that morning of Izami's death.


Three days after Izami was found dead, her funeral was held. There was a most recent picture of her, smiling widely, eyes closed, with her head tilted slightly. A bunch of flowers were lined up while most people stood, in various black outfits. Everyone had their own memories of her as they sat through the proceeding.

Kakashi remembered the first time he had met Izami. She was such a small child. A small, timid child. At the time, he wasn't even sure if she was capable of becoming a shinobi. Then, she gradually surprised him. As soon as she dropped her butt-face routine, she was energetic. She was lively. She had this urge to want to know everything. She was full of life. She was full of a energy that really brightened up his day. He watched she grew from a weak child to someone very capable, and strong-willed as any he could have hoped to have himself. He watched her go through the awkward stages of childhood, and adolescence where she was trying to figure herself out. Sure, there was a period that he had missed, but he had gotten over that guilt when she had slowly told him of things that happened. That seemed to take the guilt out of his mind. Still, he chose not to remember the sad things. He chose to focus on the happy things. As he looked at that picture, so many thoughts, feelings, and memories ran through his mind. It was just a jumble of thoughts that almost felt impossible to piece together.

"Kakashi-sama! Look, I made this for you!" An eleven year old Izami smiled as she handed him a crudely carved thing. He couldn't quite make out what the wooden blob was supposed to be.

"How...Nice." He commented. Izami frowned, and poked his chest.

"You don't even know what it is, do you?" Kakashi laughed a bit guilty, rubbing the back of his head." Well, gee, maybe if you put down those stupid books of yours, you could see it's clearly a dog's face!"

"It...It is?" Kakashi questioned, looking at the blob questionable. Izami blushed heavily.

"O-of course it is! Geez, if you're gonna make fun give it back!"

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