Chapter Sixty Two - The Birth of Two Dragons

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She cried out in pain as another contraction gripped her, but with one last push, the child was born.  The doctor scooped the plump infant into a blanket and handed the babe to a maid to clean. 

"Congratulations, Concubine Lan on the birth of your son," the doctor bowed slightly, as he cleaned his hands. "I shall prescribe you medicine to help clean your womb." He called over another maid and began to list a number of herbs to brew into a tea.

"My son," the woman glanced over to the bundle wrapped warm in her servant's arms. "Is he well? He has not cried!"

"No," the doctor also felt this strange, but the boy's eyes were open and his breathing sound, so he was not too concerned at this point. "He is fine and fat. However, I will, of course, see to him if worries persist. Hold him, your doubts will ease."

The maid passed the baby to his mother, who's heart blossomed upon viewing his bright eyes and tuft of midnight hair. A sob of joy rang out as she caressed his soft round cheeks with her slender finger. "Hello, my little one." The baby let out a soft sigh and yawned, moisture leaking from his teardrop eyes. The woman smiled, before turning to the eunuch who stood just outside of her bedroom door, peering in as the maid had left it open. "Xiao Ping," she called him. "Please would you inform his Royal Highness that I have born his son."

"At once, Concubine Lan," the eunuch agreed with a bow over cupped hands and left to fulfil his duty.

"Mistress," the maid beside her urged, before taking the sleepy child from her hold, as her other maid returned with the prescribed tea. It was bitter and not very palatable, but the woman forced herself to drink it. Lan Li Ling then gave a soft sigh and waited for her husband to grace her with his presence.


The Twin Moon Imperial Palace was the heart of the Empire, though it was not at the heart of the Empire, a matter which had caused contention amongst various Emperor's for many vain years.  The current Emperor Wáng Si was old but wisdom did not come with the lines upon his wizened face.  He, who had once held his ministers in his grip, now saw nothing but the shadows of death and heard nothing save the false words of those who promised longevity in exchange for gold and silver.  His Empress, Shang An Shu, had passed into the eternal spring many years passed, but had performed her duty and born him two sons, though she was not a fresh faced maiden when finally blessed with child.  Still, in honour of her, the Emperor named her firstborn his heir and gifted him three palaces within the imperial compound, of his own to do with as he pleased.

His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Wáng Yi Jun entered the third Palace, the White Orchid palace, which was shelter to his numerous concubines, as the sun shone brightly in the east the following morning. Concubine Lan was simply one of many of his wives, each lovelier that the last.  Each could claim to having luxurious black hair and large, almond shaped eyes.  Each were elegant and graceful, pale as fresh snow and sweet as morning dew.  Yet only now had two of his concubines had born him sons.

He was announced as he entered the Concubine Lan's rooms and as was expected of her, she knelt before him despite her discomfort. Lan Li Ling would not say that her husband was a handsome man, his body held too much flesh to be considered fey and that flesh was too soft to be considered strength.  His eyes were narrow and chin lost to roundness.  She could also not say that he was a good man, his heart held too much contempt for his people and he was quick to temper.  But he was her husband and she liked to think that she was a good wife, so would never say such unkind thoughts aloud.

"Royal husband," she murmured softly.  She kept her eyes downcast and her demeanour quiet.  "I have been blessed with a son."

"So I have been informed," the man said, with no emotion in his words.

"Would you like to see him?" Lan Li Ling asked.  "Would you care to name him?"

"No," the Crown Prince said coldly, Lan Li Ling trembled, upset that he would not give any honour her son, but quickly stilled her body.  "I have come to you for a different reason.  Rise."

Lan Li Ling carefully rose to her feet, her legs feeling weak, but she dared not show this to her husband.  He disliked it when his wives showed such flaws.  His wives were perfect, flawless, beautiful jade flowers for his display.  Withering beauties did not remain long in the White Orchid Palace.  As she glanced through her long lashes at her husband, she came to see that he was accompanied not only by Feng Chun, his personal eunuch, but by another, a maid she did not recognise.  The maid was carrying a small infant, no more than a couple of moons in age.

"This son was born of Concubine Juan," he said, indicating the child.  Lan Li Ling kept the emotions she felt from her face.  Juan Wei had been her husband's favourite, much to the disgust of Tài Zi Fēi (crown princess) and upon his rise to Emperor would probably have been crowned consort.  But Juan Wei had left this world as her son had entered it.  "I shall give him to you to raise along side your son."  He waved an instruction to the maid who held the baby. The woman bowed slightly and gave the infant to a startled Lan Li Ling.

"May I ask his name?" she inquired, rocking his against her bosom as he began to whimper.  Her heart held no contempt towards her husband for this decision and no malice towards the child she now had to call son before her own.  Lan Li Ling was a woman with a soul as pure as mountain spring water and she would love her new child as if she had born him herself.

"The boy has no name.  You may name both your sons," the Crown Prince informed her as he turned to leave, forcing her to call her last words out to him.

"Will they bear your name, Royal husband?" Tài Zi Fēi had born two daughters, no sons as yet, but neither carried the royal name. The Crown Prince did not allow it.

"As you wish," Wáng Yi Jun allowed before heading back to his own palace and entertainments.

The woman gave a small sigh of relief and smiled with heart felt joy.  "Tian Qiu," Lan Li Ling called for her maid servant, the obedient girl stepped forward immediately with a bow.  "Bring my son to me."

With both sons upon the bed before her, the rose cheeked newborn and the snow touched babe, she carefully considered the names that these boys would hold throughout their lives.  She deliberated for sometime before choosing names that reminded her of her beloved grandfather, a dragon of a man, who was quick to call out anyone who offered insult towards his family.  "For my sweet son, the precious treasure I carried within me for ten moons, I name you Wáng Yu Long and for my new son, you need to be brave and true, thus I name you Wáng Jie Long."

Aidan looked through fuzzy eyes up at his new mother and sideways on at his new elder brother, before yawning widely.  It was way too much effort to stay awake, so he should just sleep, he thought, before shutting his eyes and doing just that.

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