Who's in control? (Born under a bad sign)

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''You- out now.'' The cashier said.

''Wait wait, your talking to him.'' Chloe said, use her thumb to point at sam.''

''Yea.'' The cashier said. ''Jerk came here and grabbed a beer, grabbed 40 and start drinking it.''

''Wait this guy.'' Dean said, point his finger at Sam.

''Not until he whip a bottle at my head.'' The cashier said.

''Oh my - I'm so sorry.'' Sam said.

''Tell your story to the Popo.'' The cashier said, get the phone and a about to call the police.

''No no, maybe I will just  tell my brother leave ok.'' Dean said.

''But Dean.'' Sam said but Dean tell him leave and sam leave.

''I will come with him too.'' Chloe said and go with Sam.

A little later Dean come back and he, Sam and Chloe dove somewhere Sam ahead next.


Steven wandell house

The winchesters dove to a hunter, Steven wandell, house and look around.

They found Steven dead body on the floor and when Dean turn Steven body and had a slit throat on him so the winchesters saw a camera  watch what happened to Steven wandell.

''Here we go.'' Chloe said as the video play and it end to find out that sam is the one who kill Steven wandell.

Dean tried to erase the video but instead he break the computer and tell sam to clean his hand prints.



''Sam, what is going on with you.'' Dean question as he, Sam and Chloe come back to the motal.

''I don't know but it's not me but Dean I need you to kill me.'' Sam said.

''What, no no no we need to find someone who did this.'' Chloe said.

''No Chloe, I had to do this.'' Sam said as Dean get a gun a give it to sam.

''Sammy, I'm scare but I'm not sure about this.'' Dean said.

''No but you will regret this.'' Sam said.

''What?'' Dean confuse.

Sam knock Dean out with a gun that Dean just give to him and dean is on the floor, unconscious.

Chloe look all shocked and attack sam. ''Hey.'' Sam said and his eyes turn black and make Chloe more shocked and the demon that inside the young man knock Chloe out, handcuffed her behind her back and put her over his shoulder and sam/demon left.


( Hey guys and look I know some of the images will be Jo on it but just pretend it's iris or Chloe ok thanks.)


Iris is cleaning to counter and hear someone is here.

''Sorry we're closed, come back tomorrow.'' Iris said.

''How about on the road.'' Sam/demon said.

Iris turn around and see sam/demon and tell him do he want a beer and sam/demon said yes.

''So how do you find me.'' Iris said, give sam/demon a beer.

''Well it's my job and I need some things you know squaring things.'' Sam/demon said and take his jacket off and iris see something on sam/demon arm.

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