Chapter 1

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Grand-mére opened the door to the guest room that Belle would be sleeping in.

"I had this room specially designed for you, my dear." Grand-mére said allowing Belle to take a look around.

The room was beautiful. There was a bed on one side of the room with a large bed frame and canopy. The bedding was a beautiful cream and chocolate brown. There was a window seat where the large window was. The bathroom was a white granite tile with a porcelain tub, toilet and sink. The mirror took up a whole wall and the shower was a white granite tiled shower with different settings for the different shower heads. There was a walk-in closet complete with a make up studio. There were dresses-long, short, silk, satin, lace-that lined a portion of one side and shoes of every kind had there own shelves.

Belle was at a loss for words.

"I had hoped you had taste for fashion." Grand-mére said.

Belle spun around and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Grand-mére. It is absolutely wonderful."

"I know how much you love books so there is a book rack next to the tub if you fancy a read."

"It's all I could ever dream of, Grand-mére. You spoil me."

"You are my only granddaughter."

"That's true."

They left the guest room and went into the kitchen to start on dinner. As they began to set the table there was a knock on the door. Grand-mére stopped what she was doing and hurried to the door. Grand-mére rounded the corner so Belle couldn't see but she could hear. She could hear the door open but then there was silence. Belle, getting worried, stopped setting the table and walked to the front door. Grand-mére was standing at the door with a hand on her hip and frowning at the one person Belle hated most: Stephan.

"Ah! The beautiful Belle!" Stephan exclaimed when he saw her. "I saw these and thought of you!" He pulled out a bouquet of flowers and tried to shove them in her face.

She pushed them away and glared at him. "Stephan, I told you to stay away from this house and me." She crossed her arms.

"Yes but I could not resist! They are so beautiful! Just like you!"

"Can it. Stephan, go bother someone else." She waved her hand as if to flick him away.

"But, chère femme!"

"No! Stephan!" She sighed and walked over to him. She took the flowers and sniffed. They smelled wonderful. "The flowers truly are beautiful but you see, I don't have feelings for you. You should try to find a girl who loves you. I know there are plenty."

He smiled shyly. "You are right." Then a sly smile spread across his face. Belle was about ready to step away when he planted a quick kiss on her cheek and ran down the cobblestone path. "I will never stop loving you!"

Belle rolled her eyes. "Brick head!" She yelled after him.

"He really needs to find a better hobby." Grand-mére said shaking her head in disapproval.

Belle laughed and returned to the kitchen. Grand-mére followed after.

The two finished preparing dinner and ate a hardy meal. At Gran-dmére's there was always something to eat.

"How is your father?" Grandmére asked while they cleaned the dishes.

"Still stubborn. It took every power in my being to get a ticket to come visit you."

"Oui. He was always like that. He was known for never changing is mind. He was so determined that it was the right answer. It was many of is worst qualities."

"Yeah. He's still the same." She wiped her hands on her shirt. "I should go to bed." She kissed Grand-mére's head. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Bonsoir, Cheri!" She called as Belle skittered to her room.

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