£ chapter 11 £

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Levi pov

i lay down in the ground crying as i hold eren, i then heard sirens. Why are they barely coming, because of them not hurrying up i lost the most precious thing in my life, my pet, my pup, my best friend. 

"levi!!" i heard hanji yell

I looked up and saw the police already here, i saw how hanji covered her mouth as she saw eren laying down on the ground. I glared at the police and looked down at eren, i hugged him tighter not wanting to let go.

"come on levi let's take him to a vet!"

"why!? he's already gone!" i cried

"no he's not!"

I wasn't in a mood to argue with hanji and did what she wanted, she drives like a maniac to the vet. When we arrived hanji grabbed eren and burst through the doors.

"somebody please help us!!"

Vets came in running and looked at eren, someone came with a bed, the vets put eren on the bed and took him somewhere. I tried to go to him but was stopped by another vet.

"sir i'm sorry but you can't go in there" the vet said

"why the fuck not!?" i yelled

Hanji grabbed me and pulled me away from the vet before i get blood in my hands, she apologised to the vet.

"i'm sorry about that....he's just really sad about his pup.....that wolf was everything to him and he can't think straight with the thought of his pup dieing" hanji explained

"it's ok...tell your friend that his pup isn't dead and we'll do everything to make sure he survives" the vet said

"ah! thank you!"

"but for now will you please fill out some papers" the vet said as he handed hanji some papers

"of course!"

Hanji gave me the papers and filled out everything, i found out i need a card that said i was allowed to raise a wolf and the vets were nice enough to make me fill those papers out and give me the little card that i should carry in my wallet when i take eren on a walk or anywhere. They even said that eren needs some kinds of shots to prevent any kinds of diseases  or infections that eren may have, i nodded to them allowing then to do it. Hanji tried to make me feel better telling me memories about eren, it worked as i found myself smiling and chukleing at the memories.

"oh! remember when eren started chasing a squirrel and he bumped into a tree!!" hanji laughed

"jeje yeah....what happened to the squirrel?" i said

"eren catched it and ate it" hanji said making me cringe

"i fucking let that bratty pup lick my face that day" i cringed

"jajaja!! omg!" hanji laughed

We waited until the vets came and told us that eren was fine, the seconds turned to minutes and those minutes turned to hours. I don't know how much we have waited, but it has been about five or more hours since it's dark outside, hanji was asleep on my shoulder, even if i move her she will find my shoulder so i let her stay like that, i was to scared to even think of sleep, eren was the only thing on my mind.

"owners of eren" a vet said

I stood up making hanji drop to the ground and wake up, i walked to the vet.

"h-how is he?"

"it was a miracle he survived, he had three shots all of them missed an organ, he only passed out from blood loss but everything was ok, we had to take out the bullets and stitch the wounds. He's fully awake now and can't wait to see its owner" the vet said with a smile

Hanji let out a happy scream and hugged me tight, i was crying, crying in relief that eren was ok. 

"can i go see him?" i said as the vet nodded

Hanji and i followed the vet to a room, when he opened the door i couldn't help but smile, eren was laying down on the bed like nothing happened. I saw how he turned to look at me, his tail wagging fast, i ran up to him and hugged him tight, eren licked my face and whine, he missed me as much as i missed him.  Eren was so happy that he jumped in me and licked my face like there is no tomorrow, hanji and some vets let out a 'aww' as the looked at eren i. 

"my bratty pup!" i smiled and hugged eren tight

"eren!!" hanji screamed 

She ran up to us and hugged eren tightly, he just licked her cheek and rub his face with hers. 

"see levi! i told you he was going to be alright!!" hanji screamed as i nodded

"yeah if it wasn't for you shitty glasses he might of died of blood loss" i said

"sir...i must tell you a few stuff we found of your pet" the vet said meking me worry

"what is it?" i questioned

"there is something of your wolf that confused us, we don't know if my eyes and brain are playing a trick on me but there IS something unexpected of your wolf"

I looked at eren and frown my eyebrows.

"sir have you notice that your wolfis more intelligent than a normal wolf or dog?"

"yes i have but i never paid mind to it"

"well i tried to do some research of the time of wolf you have and what i found was incredible!"

"what do you mean by that?"

"your pet is known as a rogue wolf, don't get confused sir because the wolfs that don't have a pack are also called that but they are roughes. You have the most powerful and intelligent wolf ever existed in the world! they live for thousands and thousand of years until mankind wiped them out by hunting them and doing experiments on them. You sir have the last one of its kind, you sir must be proud for taking care of him, people that raised a rogue wolf and can follow orders from the person can win lots and lots of money for saving the species!"

" i see" i said and looked at eren

"but there is one thing that made mankind hunt down these wolf and i know for sure its what im thinking about" the vet said

"what is it?"

The next words shooked hanji and i, i don't know if i should believe him or not. It's insane that eren is a....

anyway that's all for now!! discover what eren is on the next chapter!! 
i like doing this to you guys!😈 i don't know why tho?🤷‍♀️ but it just makes everything more exciting!! 😆👌


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