Chapter 1: Number 16

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It was in the middle of the night, the students who are in class 2-9 had to take this test called ‘The Test Of Courage’. This test determined your bravery,  and the goal to this terrifying test is to get to the other side of the forest and meet up with everyone. Well it’ss not a fully “Test Of Courage” since they were supposed to place down a token somewhere to prove their bravery, but Ms Yui decided to go easy on the students who she loves dearly. Everyone was given a number card through the box, which will decide who goes with who.

Yoshiki looked at his number scrambled on the card and it appears to be number 16. He rolled his eyes towards his classmate Ayumi and thought “Please, please, PLEASE, get number 16”. Yoshiki tried to listen to Ayumi carefully, but since there was a lot of conversations going on around him, he moved a little bit closer to her. “Numbe-” Suddenly, she was interrupted by Mayu “AYUMI, I asked Ms Yui if I can partner up with you and she say YES! We got the special VIP privilege because we’re her special students!” she said smiling. “Well I guess I won’t be needing this number 16 after all, THANKS MAYU!” They both grabbed each other hands and wandered off to the forest.

Yoshiki was bewildered, he thought that it was supposed to be a girl and boy thing, “WHY Mayu, WHY. I almost got to pair up with her, but YOU” Yoshiki crunched the paper in his hand, he was furious and he felt like punching somebody BADLY. “K-K-Kishinuma-Kun..?” Yoshiki literally jumped when he heard that voice. He turned around and saw a girl with brown hair which goes down to her shoulder. Her hazel hues raced up to meet his which caused him to blush. “Everybody already got a partner for the test of courage, so I thought you might have this number..” She hesitantly pulled out a number card which has the number “16” on it from her pocket. He examined her number card carefully and said “...Yeah, I guess...we’re partners?” He was sort of confused on the fact that she had that numbe,r since Ayumi was the one who got number 16, but...MAYU DECIDED TO TAKE HER AWAY AND SHE THREW THE NUMBER CARD ON THE GROUND. He shrugged it off and turned towards her. “So are we going or you're too scared?” The girl gave a slight nod while looking away, which send a chill down his spine. “ W-Why is she acting all cute and stuff?!” He thought to himself. Yoshiki hesitantly held his hand out and said “ You can hold on to my hand, if you're that scared…” The girl gave a bright smile and reach for his hand. And then they both set off in the deep dark forest.

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