25. The Plan

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     Peridot began to feel fuzz growing within her, but she could also feel Lapis' eyes on her. They were waiting for an answer. The blonde had no pillow to hide her face in, and refused to cover it in Jasper's hair. She locked eyes with Lapis, and tried to shift before feeling a sharp pain from her stomach wound. She inhaled, and lay on her back once again, closing her eyes. She took a bite of her ice cream, and was chewing peacefully, trying to calm herself. When her eyes opened, Lapis was standing over with no one emotion on her face. It was a mix of feelings that Peridot couldn't describe or figure out.

     "Well, do you?" Lapis asked.

     The blonde swallowed her ice cream and her slightly-faded blush returned. "Yes." She quietly squeaked.

     "Say again?" Lapis said, putting a hand to her ear and getting closer to the girl.

     "Yes!" Peridot exclaimed. It was louder than she thought it wous be, and she thought for a split second that the couch shook with her shout. Lapis, as well as Steven and Amethyst, were also taken aback by the exclamation, and either froze or shifted backwards. Lapis did the latter.

     Peridot covered her mouth, quickly and painfully sitting up and looking to Lapis. She approached, causing the blonde to panic and flinch. Instead of being attacked, she was hugged tight. Her wounds ached, but she tried not to express it. She felt warm and welcomed in the girl's embrace.

     She felt loved.

     "What's going on here!" Exclaimed a voice. "Why is everyone awake-?" It was Pearl, coming out into the living room with Garnet. Peridot was let go and she sat back down. The two older Gems caught sight of a wounded Jasper accompanied by a battered Peridot, and rushed over. "Wha-what happened, are you two alright?"

     "Yeah, I'm fine. And Jasper's gotta be. She's tough, those wounds... They aren't much." Peridot explained.

     "They sure don't look like it." Steven said. "You both are brutes."

     "Steven that's not true!" Said Amethyst. Peridot dreaded the playful tone of her voice, and Pearl and Garnet became confused. "Peridot's sweet and smol and a mess for Lapis!" The girl began laughing hysterically while Pearl proceeded to scold her. Lapis and Peridot gave her a death-glare, the blonde playfully deciding to hate her...

Months rolled by, and Jasper was getting to be her old nice self again-with the exception of her semi well-kept short temper. All her and Peridot's wounds have healed, and the Gems have had three more meetings, the last one discussing activities for one another to enroll in.

     Peridot and Connie were to join a yearly science convention, and the younger girl was also going to a music club with Steven, Garnet, and Pearl. Amethyst, after a long disscussion, finally convinced Peridot to help her make some new arcade games in her time away from a tech club that Pearl also joined. Lapis was to join Beach City's swim team, and considered getting a second job as a summer lifeguard.

     Peridot was busy reliving her memory of Lapis winning a swimming match while Jasper had explained how she was probably going to become a personal trainer on freelance. That sounded ridiculous to Peridot, but nobody argued.

     The three former travellers were also considering going to an omline college sometime soon.

     "Everything's so busy now-like back in the city, but with much less chaos. I have also found, that to my dismay, Lapis isn't a useful ally-but a strong companion. She also catches my eye in the craziest of ways, and to be honest, we're inseparable. Amethyst keeps shipping us, and I continue to refrain from punching her, but it's now the new normal. And I can probably start calling Lapis my girl! It's crazy, but so is Beach City, and I kinda like it." Peridot stopped the playback of her recent logs and decided to stop them where they were-for the time being. She had nothing else to say.

     She looked around the barn from the top floor. She had made many more Robonoids, and has collected a series of items like Christmas lights, cans, and broken jewelry. Lapis was also collecting things, for she had a book full of leaves pressed inside, more baseball equipment, and paint cans. Sitting up, the blonde smiled. They have bought two dressers and a bed, which held both of them now.

     Peridot ran her fingers through Lapis' messy hair and lay back down.

     She slept in the comfort of the girl's warmth.


Lapis woke early to the sound of the Crystal Gems at her door. It was August, and Peridots birthday was just a day away. The Gems have planned to make up for Peridot and Jasper's wounds by going out and finding her some of the best peridot gemstones available. Lapis also had a plan for her friend, which was separated from the gemstones and the party at the barn.

     Lapis snuck through the door and met the Gems outside. Both Greg's van and Jasper's new car awaited her. The new car, which was purchased about a week ago, was shiny and black, and oh, was it fast. Lapis smirked at Jasper as she leaned against her newest beauty.

     "So, you ready to shop?" The buff girl asked.

     "Am I?" Lapis exclaimed. She was really excited to find the best of gems-and something extra-for her smol Dorito. Amethyst cheered, and Garnet fixed her glasses from the passenger seat of Greg's van. Pearl was driving, and offered to give her a ride, but Lapis kindly declined. "I'll go with Jasper." She said. Amethyst gasped while opening the back door to Jasper's car.

     "For real?"

     "You're going with her too!" Lapis said.

     "It's a sick car!" She hopped in the back, and Lapis got into the passenger seat. Jasper sped ahead of Pearl and the rest of the Gems, catching some air on the small hills of the dirt road to the highway. Amethyst whooped in the back. Lapis looked to Jasper, who wore a calm smile.

     "So, enjoying the ride?" She asked Lapis.

     "Yeah, it's nice."

     "Good." She paused. "You know, I'm sorry for what I've done to you." She said in a low voice.

     "I know. And you've improved since that fight between you and Peridot."

     "It was dumb, all of it. And I know you two have a bond, and I'm sorry for coming in between it." Lapis nodded. She didn't want to talk about the trouble Jasper caused, she just wanted to be nice and have a good time with everyone. "Though, you don't think we can hang out, do you?" The girl continued. "I mean, I could buy you some coffee sometime if you want. Nothing serious but you know..." Lapis was silenced, unsure of how to respond. "...I just want to have a good time with you, as a friend."

     Lapis looked to the window, which showed the beautiful ocean view, and turned back to the driver. "Maybe sometime later. For now, let's stop being busy before we plan something, ok?"

     "Right. Ok."

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