The watcher

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The edit is an amazing part to see this is gonna be good sit back and enjoy 😁❤️😍✌️
Marks p.o.v
It was about 10:00pm when i got done editing and i could already hear my stomach growling. I went to the kitchen and there was No food "Damn it I'm so hungry" I jumped into the car and all I could feel were my hair on my neck stand up and the feeling of eyes watching me I had convinced my self it was just my mind making tricks. I started the car and looked to the window all I could see was a pair of eyes. I almost screamed but I just pressed on the gas pedal and started to drive far away I went and got food I was so scared to go home. I called Felix "hello" Felix answered knowing it was fucking 3:00 in the morning " hey" I answers"
Felix: "it's 3 in the morning what is going on" he said with a sleepy voice
Mark: "Can u come over for the night there is someone here and I'm and freaking out I'm at McDonald's and I don't wanna go home?"
Felix:" Mark can't this wait till tomorrow?"
Mark: "No please?"
Felix:"fine I'll be there in 10"
Mark: "thanx"
I headed out of McDonald's and went home all the way home i could feel the eyes I was so scared I drove 90mph all the way home and Felix was waiting for me in the house as he knew ware the key was. mark was getting out when he hear "hi mark"

I looked around me and than ran to the door but before I got to the steps something grabbed my arm. I tried as hard as I could to run but they were to strong I was so scared . I didn't know what happend I woke up in a dark dungeon like place and it was cold I was freaking out with the pounding head ake I had I started to feel a tightness around my arms and ankles I tried to pull but it would pinch me and really hurt i heard a door open and I screamed " hello?" And I could hear an accented voice say "well hello mark I'm glad ur awake." I got very scared and suddenly felt a cold thin hand run on to my thigh scared of who it was I looked at my thigh with fright in my eyes. I seen a very whit hand I said " who r u and y r u doing this to me?" "I don't remember doing anything to whoever u r!" Suddenly I heard a chuckle at the time I had just confessed to my family and friends that I was gay I was so scared of what they were going to do are they going to kill me but why "I'm not going to hurt you I only have you in restraints so u don't get any ideas". I heard the voice ask "do u want them off" I responded " well duh I want to go home y am I hear" I said the voice had said "u can't I want u for me not for anyone else " i was got chills as they were taking off the restraints and they left one on they said " 1 stays on to make sure u don't go any were" I looked around and moved away from the man and looked to see the shape of him but I couldn't. " Do u want to see me " he asked "yes please" he turned the lights on I flinched by the brute whit light hitting me it was jack "jack" (sorry I'm to lazy to keep the quotes u'll know) jack smiled and said hello I suddenly started to cry by knowing that my best friend had kidnaped me jack y didn't u just ask me to come here I said jack looked at me and smiled i want to be the only one u want the one (anti🙈popes in) well u r now mine u don't get to call me jack u will call me daddy or master and if u do what I say and be a god boy u get a reward (mark) but if I don't? (Anti) than u will be punished. I wondered what will he do he won't hurt me I looked him in the eye and new it wasn't jack so I said jack what will do (anti) what did I say u call me master I will let this one slip but next time kitten u won't be so happy. (Mark) u won't do any thing to me (anti) oh really u r being a very bad boy right now r u gonna make me punish u (mark) u won't (anti) will I All I could see is him reach to the side of him grabbing a box I couldn't see anything and all I could here was the grin on his face making me so scared not knowing what it was and he turned back around with a gag he spoke(anti) every time u be bad u get another thing and he put the gag in my mouth makeing me feel dirty because he was scared of what would be next so he was so so scared that he was gonna rape him the thoughts ran threw his head like a roller coaster (anti)next time be a good kitten and I'll let u have a reward but if ur bad u won't be happy. I started to squirm by the way his accent said kitten but my fear of what he could do to me I had a big crush on him since we were in school so I had looked at his ocean eyes and just sank in like a boat and blushed hard .

Jacks p.o.v
I had always wanted this I just wanted him he was my crush and now I had him. I went to him after he was a bad boy and that's when anti got in my head and I couldn't do nothing he said mark was bad and put a gag in his mouth I was so scared of what he could do next but I push back into my own body as I seen thread in mark chocolate eyes I was worried and he was staring in my eyes and blushed I felt very bad but how vulnerable he looked turned me on but it was to early for it and I couldn't so I looked at him and pecked his lips and smiled as his lips were so soft and warm as the gag had a little spit on it from how he had to chew on it to swallow.

Marks p.o.v
I couldn't understand why he would do this but than he was getting turned on by me blushing so he walked over to me and pecked my lips his were so cold and soft I just wanted to kiss him more but he didn't do it he had put my other hand back up on to the post and left I was surrounded in my own thoughts I just wanted to see him I know I should hate him he had kidnapped me but I just couldn't do it. I had eventually fell back to sleep.

Felix's p.o.v
I have been sitting here for so long but no one showed up I was so tired I called mark phone no response I didn't think anything so I went back to sleep.
(WARNING smut in paragraph below be ware!)
I woke up and stated to cry I was so scared I didn't know what to do maybe he will let me eat I'm so starving I haven't ate in since yesterday morning. I seen jack walk in and I said can I please have something to eat ? He said yes but u have to do some if for me he said I said what is it he said kiss me I had a pleasure in my body that started and we had a passionate kiss I was so happy and he had made little bites on my neck and he had already let my restraints go and I had flipped him over and made a row of bites down his body and down to his v line he had liked it I didn't care about the kidnap at all I loved him no matter what and I bite at his pants to get permission and he nodded I pulled both his pants and boxers off make I got him naked and me as well i had road him and I heard him moan and say OOH kitten! Yess keep going AHH!! As I mumbled daddy I'm gonna I'm gon as he said Cum for daddy I did as he told me he I had came all over him and me not short after he had loaded me all the way We both went and took a shower we were both hungry and we went up stairs to eat

So how do u guys like it plz tell me any improvements u would like and stuff u would like to hear any thing smut to anything u can think thanks

Coming next

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