"Just don't do anything too drastic. But if you are going, only for a little bit, it's still Christmas." She replied, and I smiled as I realized she kinda took my side. "Goodnight, Belle."

"Night." I whispered as I followed her up the stairs and into my room.

As I lied in bed, I tried to think of who would be asleep, and who wouldn't be. I texted Adam first, hoping he wasn't, because my backup would be Alex.

Hey, you still up?

I lied there, my eyes fluttering shut every once in a while, but eventually my phone buzzed, and sure enough, it was him.

Yeah. Jack just got to sleep after being put down two hours ago.

I'm sorry.

It's okay… hey, about earlier, I really am sorry .I didn't know it's upset you so much.

It's okay. Let's just drop the topic from now on. I'm serious, don't even bring it up.

Okay. Deal. But I am really tired, so I'm going to bed. Merry Christmas, I love you.

It took me a little too long to respond to that one, because not only has he said it, but I now have written evidence that he feels that way, too. I love you, too. Merry Christmas. And I put my phone down on my night stand, pulling the blanket over me, and falling asleep…


"Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Eric yell as he climbed on my bed, and then on my chest, his hands on my shoulders. "Wake up, it's Christmas!"

"Eric…" I muttered, bringing my arm across his body and shoving him to the floor. "It's like seven in the morning, go back to sleep."

"Wake up, Belle!" He pulled on my arm, but I didn't budge. "You're putting off Christmas!"

"I don't think so, buddy." I sat up and managed to snag him, pulling him up onto the bed again. "Gotcha!" I exclaimed as he laughed, and then tried to break free. "You're stuck. Now what's your plan?"

"Let go of me!" He squealed as I tickled him, and he tried so hard to get out from my arms, but I was foiling his plan. "Phillip, help!"

"You think Phillip's gonna come save you?" I laughed as Phillip appeared in the doorway.

"Seriously, let go, Belle! We gotta get downstairs." Phillip stated, and not playing around. "You are putting off Christmas."

I groaned as I let go, and Eric ran frantically to his brother, "You two are no fun today." I stated, watching them run off. I got up and stretched before grudgingly going downstairs. I was the last one down, with my brothers on the floor, and my parents on the couch.

"Oh good, you're awake." Mom exclaimed, slapping her hands together, "Alright, what are we going to open first?"

"This one!" Phillip shrieked, pulling out the biggest one. Eric did the same, but it was slightly smaller. When they both opened, one got a game system, and the other got a computer.

"This is awesome!" They both cried, and Dad smiled as Mom's head slowly turned towards him.

"Oh, so… Santa got them all this expensive electronics, right?" Mom crossed her arms, and Dad nodded.

"Well, he can do that. He's Santa." Dad argued, but she shook her head and laid back against the back of the couch. I knew what she was thinking; no way we could afford that stuff. Mom's show money wasn't coming in like it used to, and whatever Dad does in shipping doesn't get him much money, either.

Teacher and the ThiefTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon