Sawyer's P.O.V

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I walked up to a door labeled #1. I opened it. Then I saw that thing. That awful thing I always saw in my closet- well, in my nightmares that is. At first,  it looked like a normal tween boy with a long pastel blue, orange and pink t-shirt. Then it looked like a demon with him holding organs and a spine. I cupped my hand over my mouth and I got hit by an urge that needed to vomit. (A/N the organ farmer xd

Boom done thats what its forms look like credit to clockwork raven for this amazing meme :0 )

I held it in and ran for the door. No. Don't do it. I thought to myself, as I watched the nightmare. I felt my heart beat faster as my little self touched the doorknob. At that moment the creature grabbed the 4 year old version of me, and ate it's body, limb by limb as small me was still alive. I opened my mouth to scream, but it just snapped back to the blinding white hallway, lined with doors. I fell down crying. "GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!!!" I screamed. All of a sudden, a hologram of Kioboshi appeared. "Hi kid." I said nothing back, as I assumed it was pre-recorded. "You gonna answer?" I guess I was wrong. "How do I get out of this hell?!" I snarled. "Woah, calm down, you little brat. Haven't I said it before? You can't get out." More tears fell down my face. "SO I JUST DIE IN HERE?!" I screamed. "Yeah, basically." He chuckled. I felt my temper rising up, as I was just about to have a temper tantrum. "WHY YOU LITTLE-"  He stopped me. "Look kid, I know you want out but I couldn't care less." His hologram stopped. I felt my heart burn with sorrow as I felt my warm, salty tears trickle down my face. All of a sudden, I had an idea. I wiped my tears away. What if I looked through all my nightmares for a door that leads to the outside?! I smirked at my idea.


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