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And YES I meant virgirl don't correct me! This is like the book where Patton turned into a girl except... Virgil.
Requested by: Heartbeat1993
*Virgil's pov*

We're all talking in the living room and almost all of my attention is on Patton. He's the only one that helps me think better about myself. The others don't care for me that much. But this is why I have a crush on Patton, he's the sweetest guy you could ever meet, he will help you with anything and almost everything, except for spiders. As I think about all these things that he's great for I start to smile widely and blush a little.

"Hey, Virg what are you thinking about?" I hear Patton ask.
"O-oh nothing just, I was thinking of a joke from earlier."
"Well then that's something I guess!" Patton says and we all laugh. I chuckled of course but everyone else laughed.
"Yeah I guess it is Huh..." I mumbled chuckling a little. As it got later into the night we had dinner (made by Patton of course.) And said our good nights.

*time skip*

As I lay in my bed I look at the time 5:18 a.m. I was really think about Patton for that long!? I have problems. But I continue to think about his beautiful blue eyes, and his big smile, his funny jokes, and his great personality. He makes me happy... Not normal. For some reason I felt my body twitch a bunch and I felt my face.... Moving? I got up to go to the bathroom and see what was happening. When I looked in the mirror I screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!" Instead of my voice I heard a girl and I realized everyone else were still trying to sleep. I heard a door open and frantic foot steps came to the bathroom door.
"Who's in there!?" I heard Patton say.
"Uh, it's me Virgil..."
"Don't try to trick me who are you?"
"Patton it really is me. Please trust me." I say as I open the door.
"W-what that... Your... You aren't virg."
Trust me Patton... Please."

"How do you know my name!? Where is Virgil!" He starts to cry and I feel bad.
"Patton... It is me. I'm Virgil."
"N-no! You... Your not him."
"Yes I am. Believe me."
"Say something he would say t-then."
"Please trust me dad. I don't know what happened but please trust me dad."
"Yes. It's me I'm right here."
"What happened!? Why are you a girl!?"

"Sorry. But what happened?"
"I still don't know."and out of nowhere.
"Yes it is very... Unkind for you to be yelling at such a late hour, you as well Vir-" Logan stops mid sentence. And Roman is staring at me like I just killed all his friends.

"Hey guys." I say shyly.
"U-uh w-what happened." Roman stutters.
"W-who is this Patton?" Logan says.
"Um this is Virgil you guys..." Patton said still looking at me.
"Um let me go get a book I have." I say as I go into my room and grab my spell book.
"What is that virg?" Patton asks
"This is my spell book. It'll help me understand what's happened to me."
"Oh okay."

"Here it says if a male turns into a female and if a female turns into a male it's because you have a crush on the same gender. You only turn if the other male/female has a crush on you back." The last part made me blush red! Like not just light red, DARK CRIMSON! If that's even possible.

"Oh, well how do you break the curse thingy?" Roman said
"Well it says here you and the other have to confess, and after your confession to the other tell 3 people you know very closely that you have a new boyfriend/girlfriend and when those two steps are complete to seal it off you must... Kiss."

Now I was blushing so much I looked like a cherry. "Well who do you like Virg?" Patton said with an adorable smile.
"Uh... Um..."
"Here how about one finger for me two for Logan three for Roman and four for other."
"Um..." I held up one finger and put it down almost right after and pulled the strings on my hoodie so it covered my face.

"AHHHH SOOO CUTE!!!! I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW!!!!!" I heard Roman squealing.
"Adorable." Logan said in his normal voice and smiled at us... weird.
"Oh, um y-you have a crush on me?"
"Yes..." I mumbled.
"AW KIDDO!!!" Patton said as he hugged me tight. I hugged him back, we we're there for a while until I said that we had to do the rest so we confessed.

"Virgil I love you and I have for years now. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. I love you because you help me with my bad times and almost always find my jokes funny!" Once he was done it was my turn.
"Patton, I-I love you because your beautiful and amazing in all different kinds of ways. I would love to spend as much time with you as possible and never leave your side. I love you because your funny and you always know how to cheer me up." Once we were done with that we told three people together.

"Thomas we are now boyfriend and boyfriend. Then we told Joan, and then Talyn. When we were done with those two steps I read the last part in my head over and over again. Then kiss, then you have to kiss to seal it, I don't know if I can...

"Virgil, Virgil, viiiiirrrrrgggggiiiiilllllll!"
"Hm, what oh yeah Patton?"
"We need to... Kiss don't we?"
"Y-yeah we do."
"You okay?"
"What's wrong."
"I don't know if I can... Kiss you."
"Why is something wrong with me?"
"No, I'm just afraid you won't like it."
"Nonsense, Virgil I love you. I would never hate anything you do... Except for cussing. I don't like cussing."
"Heh, yeah I know you do."
"Hey Virgil look at this!"

"Hm-" as I look over he smashed his lips into mine and we kissed for a few minutes. (impressive bois!) After he dose I feel my body starting to tingle and a bright light forms in front of me.

"What the hell!"
"Language!" I look at Patton who is smiling at me.
"Am I back?" My voice is deeper.
"Hey virg... do you want to go... Cuddle?"
"I would love to."
AHHH! So cute! Anyways hope you enjoyed it!
(1127 words)

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