Making Memories Part 2

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I put up my phone when I felt like I knew everything that was going on on the Twitterverse. I glanced at the clock, 7:15 AM. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep now. We were meeting the boys at noon, so I had almost 5 hours to kill. I decided to drag myself out of bed and go get some coffee... or something. What ever's availible at 7 in the morning. 

I went to my suitcase and put on some denim shorts and a black tank top, and I added a long necklace with a cross. I slid on some sandals and I slung my favorite leather bag over my shoulder. Grabbing my phone and tossing it into my bag, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and throw my hair in a pony tail. I'll do my make up later, I thought. 

I took a glance at Jessica before I left, and decided to leave her a note.


Took your keys... went out for coffee! Be back soon! 

xxx Charlotte

P.S. We took over Twitter!

With that, I left our hotel room to find something to do. When I got to the lobby, it was more lively than I thought it would be. The breakfast room was connected to the lobby, and loads of people were eating. At the front desk, there was a family checking in. They looked tired, like they'd been traveling all night. There was a boy about my age with dark, bushy hair. I suppose he was cute, but nothing compared to the Cheshire boy I kissed yesterday. The mom and the dad were in the process of checking in, and a redheaded girl, about 14, walked in through the front door. She was pulling a purple suitcase, and she was looking at the floor as she walked. She glanced up, and she automatically stopped walking. She looked at me, her mouth wide open. She looked as if she was comtemplating something, and she was thinking really hard. Her mom seemed to notice her staring, as she said, "Lindsay, stop."

Her daughter ignored her, however, and she started approaching me.

"Lindsay!" Her mom called, but she kept walking towards me. 

At first, I didn't know what to think. I had no idea why her mouth dropped when she saw me. And when she approached me, I stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't try to walk on past her, I just stood awkwardly like a deer in headlights. When she got to me, I realized why she stared at me before she could say anything.

"Sorry if this sounds crazy, but I could've sworn I saw you on Twitter this morning." She seemed friendly enough, but I didn't want to admit to anything.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't have a Twitter." I lied, trying to seem sweet. 

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Ok, sorry, I just really thought I saw you... with Harry Styles. From One Direction? Do you know him?"

Think fast, Char. "Oh, umm, I've met him before. But it was breif. Umm, I have to go! Nice meeting you!"

She looked puzzled at me as I walked past her. I went out the door and to the car without turning back. Did she really recognize me? If I went into public, would more people recognize me? That's a crazy thought... Maybe I should just drive around instead of going somewhere, just to be safe. I had no idea what to say to people that recgonized me.

So that's what I did. I didn't have a lisence, so I tried extra hard to drive flawlessly. I didn't speed, I got in all of the right lanes... I knew how to drive, I just could never afford a car so I didn't see a point in owning a lisence. I didn't exactly want to be seen driving around my mom's mini van. 

I drove around, and decided to go through the drive-through at Starbucks. Luckily, the woman at the window didn't know who I was, and I didn't expect her to. While I was driving around in the car, I spent a lot of time thinking. How fortunate am I? Everything seemed perfect at the moment. 

Holding On (A Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon