Chapter 11

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Maddie's POV
2 weeks later
I have all my memories back thank god for that, I was so over that shit.
Today was the same as every other boring day, waking up early getting ready and so on but, when I got to school things changed. Ethan didn't answer me this morning so I had to get a ride with Kylie. I was walking to go to my locker when people were just staring at me and whispering, obviously that's happened before but not to me, I've always been to the down low.
"Maddie!" Someone yells, I turn around and I was face to face with Ethan,
"What's wrong E"
"Why did you tell everyone I had sex with you and your pregnant" I gave him a confused look
"Don't act down Maddie"
"I didn't, Why would I do that"
"Where did you even here that" I yell,
"everyone knows"
He pushes past me and walk away. I felt pain go in my chest, who the fuck would make up crap like that, I start to think and then I realised who hates me the most, I walk over the table that I hate mostly everyone, when I see her in sight I run up to her and punch her.
"What the fuck Maddie" she yells
"Why are you spreading rumours"
"I'm not" she gives me a smirk
"Maddie what's going on?" Grayson says when he arrives at the table
"This bitch is spreading rumours that Ethan got me pregnant"
"Wow! I never knew you guys-" I cut him off
"We didn't! It's fake just like her" I point at Chole
She scoffs and rolls her eyes
"No one believes you Maddie so go away before I mess up your face up again" I go to hit her when a hand grabs my wrist
"I do" I turn and see Grayson, he sends me a small smile
"You always lie Chole and you even kicked me out the group, Maddie isn't like that"
"Well ethan believes so" I go and give her the hardest punch I've ever done and she falls down to the ground. Grayson grabs my hand again and runs making me follow him, he goes to the car park and jumps into his car, I'm guessing he finally isn't lazy and will drive his own car. He puts me in the passenger sit and walk over the the drivers and hops in, and he starts driving.
"Grayson what are you doing, where are we going?"
"Back to my place, you need to calm down" I sigh at his response knowing I do need to calm down. We arrive and we both go to his room, he walks over to the bathroom and I just sit in the corner of his bed. He comes back with some supplies in his hand he walks over to me and sits next to me.
"Give my your hand" he says
"Because you hand us bleeding at how hard you punched Chole" he chuckles, I give him my hand and he starts to clean it.
He soon is down and wraps a bandage around my knuckles.
"Why are you being nice Grayson"
"No thank you?" He raises an eyebrow
"Answer the question!"
"Fine, because I know you didn't make up the rumour and Ethan is a douche for think that"
"Thanks gray" he gives me a smile
"Get some rest Maddie" I move to the front of the bed and later down closing my eyes and falling fast asleep.

I hate you? -g.dDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora