Up At Night

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(I just got in the moooood to right today)

Keith smiled warmly at the thought of his baby blue speaking. Laying in bed with the sleeping toddler on his chest, Keith gently took lance and laid him on his bed. Lance only responded by cooing in his sleep.

Keith got up and walked to the kitchen, he knew lance wouldn't possibly be up at 3AM so he good. Shiro was up also and came into the kitchen,"hey bud what's up? And where's lance?!"
"I left him in my room cause he was asleep. Why?"
He shouted.

Lance fluttered his eyes open. He didn't see Keith anywhere,"K-Keef..D-dadda?" Lance quivered his lip and started to silently cry. Inside his mind he knew that he is making such a big deal about Keith gone. Lance's cries got louder only remembering what his mother and father did to him...


Lance smiled happily holding his mothers hand slipping down the sidewalk."ralentización de la lanza!"(Lance slow down)
"Lo siento mamá" (I'm sorry momma)
His mother stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and texted her husband.

Alice:'conseguir la maleta de los mocosos porque ya no vive con nosotros...'
(get the little brats suitcase cause he's not living with us no more...)
Mason:'ya está lleno y listo para irse...lo dejaremos cerca de ese orfanato a 50 millas de la casa y finalmente finalmente seremos libres...'
(it's already packed and ready to go
... we'll drop him off from that orphanage 50 miles from the house and then we will finally be free...)
Alice:'bueno, estamos en camino'
(Good, we are on our way)
Mason:'esta bien, estoy esperando'(Okay I'm waiting)

Lance tugged on his mother's hand."Momma please can we go home?"
"Lead the way sweetheart..."
"Yay!" Lance skipped to the house and seen his father on the front porch.
"Papá, ¡aprendí a hablar inglés!"
(Daddy, I learned to speak English!)
"eso es bueno, mi chico...muy bueno..."
(That's good my boy...very good...)
"See! I'm not very good..but I can try better" lance stated sadly while his father got up. Alice and Mason looked at the boy and motioned him to go to the car. Lance sat in his car seat and buckled himself up. He was full of giddy. Maybe their taking him to Toys'R'Us! Or maybe Kids place!

Mason and Alice got in the car and drove to the orphanage. When they arrived Mason and Alice had their idea planned."Lance, sal y recoge algunas flores para nuestro jarrón"
(Lance, get out and pick your mother some flowers for our vase)

"Okay daddy!" He got out and started looking for flowers. Alice and Mason speeded off to the house. Lance turned around and seen that his parents weren't there. Being a kid, lance thought the surprise was them leaving to get him something big and awesome!

Hours past. Lance was on the verge of tears. Pitch black, cold, hungry, and just wanted love. Then the car pulled in. His head shot up and raced to it. Of coarse it was his parents, but the look on their faces terrified him. He was now fully crying now and reaching for his father. Lance only got a kick in the gut. He screamed, and whipped with a belt.
"¡cállate, maldito mocoso!"
(Shut it you damn brat!)

Lance scream cried while he was continually getting kicked and punched by his father. Alice just sat there and watched, laughing her ass off.

End of flashback

Shiro arrived and scooped lance up."shhh baby...daddy is here...your okay..." Lances cries again turned to whimpers."D-Dadda-*hic*"
"I know bud it's okay daddy or keithy won't leave you ever again..." Lance snuggled to his chest."D-dadda wuv you"
Shiro smiled and kissed his little troopers head."love you more sweetheart"

Keith raced to where lance was. Only to see shiro holding him close to his chest."Keef!"
He smiled and walked over to Lance and took him from Shiro's arms and showered him in kisses."it's okay baby blue daddy and Keithy is here"
Lance yawned,"Kweef...tiewerd.." the toddler fell asleep into his arms peacefully."I read his file Keith...you need to read it when you get the chance. It explains everything. Why he screams and cries. Why he's so clingy..."
"I'll check don't worry...after I get to bed I'm tired..."
"Alright bud" shiro patted his shoulder,"night bud""night shiro" he and shiro went off to bed peacefully with no screaming or crying from Keith's room.

(What should his nic name be besides baby blue? I'll let you guys pick in the comments. 6 nick names for all the rest to call him!)

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