Why I Haven't Been Updating (And When You Can Expect The Next Chapter!)

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My last update for this story was three weeks ago. And it was very short.

I'm so sorry.

To be honest, I haven't found much inspiration for either of my current books, but I know as soon as I start writing chapters I'm going to take off with a bunch of new storylines. I also can't find the time to write.

But, I know that if I set a certain date for chapters to be published, I'll be quicker to get them done. :)

I owe it to you amazing readers, whose votes and comments bring a smile to my face. I have every intention of finishing this story. But I've just been feeling a little..blocked.

But, I am giving myself a deadline. By Monday, August 13th, I will have two full chapters posted, one for this story and one for One Love.

Thanks so much for sticking with me on this journey, and I'll see you on the 13th!


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