[01] Quidditch World Cup

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There was something that every Quidditch player wanted to attend and it only happend every four years. That's right. Aaron, Cedric, Logan and Justin were all going to the Quidditch World Cup curtesy of Amos Diggory who worked at the Ministry of Magic and got cheaper tickets for the boys. Aaron was sleeping peacefully until he was rudely awoken by Cedric jumping on top of him and screaming bloody murder in his ear.

"Cedric Diggory, what the hell was that?" Aaron groaned as he put the pillows over his ears. "Don't you understand the concept of sleeping? I'm pretty sure sleeping does not involve screaming into someone's ears!"

"Sorry mate, but we have to get up now! Dad says it's going to be a long walk to the portkey." Cedric sheepishly admitted to Aaron, Justin and Logan.

"What time is it Cedric." Asked Logan, Justin and Aaron with deadly looks in their eyes.

Cedric, with a touch of fear in his eyes and a nervous smile said, "It's only 2 in the morning."

"Bloody hell Cedric, how long do we have to walk in order for us to get 2 whole hours of sleep." Said a half asleep Justin. ­

"Just a bit guys. Don't worry, you can take a nap when we actually get to the campsite. But for now, we have to leave now or else we won't get there on time." Smiled Cedric.

'how the hell is this guy so happy in the morning. I hate him' Aaron thought as he was putting on his clothes with colours in support of the Irish.

The Diggory clan walked for at least 3 hours until they reached this old boot that was supposedly the portkey. Aaron was confused as to why they weren't immediately leaving. Cedric seemed to notice as he said, "Oh, we're waiting for another family to show up to the same portkey." Aaron nodded sleepily and tiredly and was just about to fall asleep standing when he noticed that a whole clan of red heads were walking towards the portkey. He was suddenly jolted awake because there stood Hermione Granger with the Weasley's. She gave a weak wave and he turned and glared at her.

"Amos!" said Mr. Weasley, smiling as he walked towards the Diggory Clan. "This is Amos Diggory. He works for the department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. I'm pretty sure you know his son and his friends."

They all waved as Aaron was still glaring at Hermione. Ginny was very confused as to why Aaron Park, the hot 6th year ravenclaw would be glaring at Hermione, and why she looked so guilty under his gaze. Ginny nudged Hermione when Aaron walked over. "Granger, want to explain why you told me that you would not be attending the Quidditch World Cup?" Aaron asked as he crossed his arms and stared into Hermione's eyes.

"I'm sorry okay. Ron told me that I was invited really last minute and don't get me wrong I really wanted to go with you but-" Hermione hurried out but she was cut off by Aaron's laugh.

"Really, it's alright love. But seriously, I invited you first. I should have at least gotten a reply don't you think?" chuckled Aaron, with an underlying emotion of slight betrayal.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew had their jaws dropped open because who knew Aaron Park and Hermione Granger knew each other at all.

"But you? How do you? What?" spluttered out Justin with a look of disbelief painted on his face. Just as Justin was failing to understand the relation between Hermione and Aaron, Mr Weasley exclaimed pulling out his watch, "Oh must be nearly time. Do you know if we're waiting for anymore, Amos?"

"No, the Lovegoods have been there for a week already and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets." Amos replied. "There aren't any more of us in the area, are there?"

"Not that I know of." Said Mr. Weasley. "You just need to touch the portkey, a finger will do."

Everyone put their finger onto the manky old boot and felt a jerk pull them towards the actual venue of the Quidditch World Cup. As the whole of the Weasley family, Hermione and Harry fell onto the ground, the Diggory clan landed gracefully on the ground. The first instinct Aaron had was to help Hermione and Ginny off the floor. He stuck out both his hands for some support for the two girls. Flustered, the girls both blushed at the older male as they took his hand to get up and brush themselves off. The rest of the group around them rolled their eyes at Aaron as they were all well aware of his charm and gentleman like attitude.

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