Author's Note

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Look, I didn't want to do this. I just wanted to write my story and leave. I didn't want to add some dumb author's note because, as far as the reader is concerned, there shouldn't be an author. There's the characters, and there's and the narrator, but you shouldn't hear the author himself. I didn't want to do this, but I'm going to have to.

I was thinking, there's a sort of story that everyone wants to read. There's that sort of story that makes people want to believe in, a mold of story with happy endings, a tale that puts readers in a euphoric bliss filled with exalted thoughts of justice and love. So I didn't write that, because that sort of story is boring. And I thought, screw the audience! I'll write what I want to write because I'm obviously a literary genius! But obviously I must respect the audience.

What I'm asking for, then, is a few minutes of your time. What could you lose? You might end up wasting a bit of your time. What could you gain? A good story, potentially, and we know that those are valuable. At the very least, you hate the story, but hate and love are really two sides of the same coin, right? Right? No, I'm just kidding.

And then there are those who read to the end and close the story and think no more of it. They'll say something like, "Oh, New Genesis? I remember reading that. It was alright." Those words are the bane of my writing existence. I've spent a lot of real brain writing this thing, a lot of thinking, and I want to ask you to spend some of your brain reading it, if you have some to spare. If you love it, that's great. But I'd rather you absolutely hate the story rather than feel nothing. I'm thinking, guiltily, that if someone got depression from reading what I wrote, that would be the world's perverse way of saying that I'm a good writer. So if you hate it, good!

I'm begging you, comment! Please, don't let this story go to waste! Comment and tell me how I'm doing! If you like it, I could always use a compliment. If you hate it, then tell me! Insult this story, get your friends and family to insult this story. Hey, even attack me as a person if you want. I believe that I'm a good writer, but I need y'all to tell me that I'm not delusional, or perhaps confirm that I definitely am delusional. But it's the uncertainty that kills, folks. You gotta let me know.

I'll be quiet from here on out, but one last time: do me a favor, and do yourself a favor, listen to what I really have to say in the following lines, and read with a little heart and soul.

          ~Kevin Wang

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