Author's Note Mucho Important

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Authors Note

I am working with a writing developer on this story because I really like it. One thing I wanted to work on was making sure things were "solid" as I was kind of glossing over some of the legal situations regarding custody. I will try not to bore anyone's ear off with technicalities, but there were some necessary changes. I feel like this will help improve some of the tension in the story.

I have done some editing and revision to solidify some legal plot aspects. This is very important as it does change some of what has been for the plot so far. I highly recommend re-reading these specific chapters for a better understanding. This will affect how the story continues as I update it.(I added brief summaries here for those that don't want to, but still, please re-read):

Acceleration (modifications to how the court scene was handled; Abram had to be notified and ended up being present at court. Jeff is instead rewarded emergency custody of Sasha; Mrs. Vander becomes a lesser role, essentially babysitting Sasha while Jeff works)

And So it Begins (medium importance here; a different conversation takes place between Jeff and Abram in Jeff's office; Abram tries to convince Jeff to let him see Sasha. Mrs. Vander watches Jeff at work and is no longer his "foster" situation)

One Could Only Hope (super important to re-read please). There is a new character presented in this chapter that will continue to be mentioned. The court appointed a role called the guardian ad litem*, someone who will determine what is in Sasha's best interest. Her name is Liz and she is about to be all up in people's business.

Someone like Kate (medium importance) additions of how the GAL Liz may add further complications now that Micah and Jeff are becoming a "thing" and they will have to also hide it from her.

* (via google) Courts frequently appoint guardians ad litem to represent childrens' interests in cases involving Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, emancipation, and visitation rights. In these cases, the guardians ad litem usually act as fact finders for the court, not as advocates for the children.  


Chapters that were updated with no major plot changes, just minor changes for continuity, mentioning of new characters, or some of the changes in Mrs. Vander's altered role:

Dinner and a Kid (continuity)

What's in a name? (continuity)

Subtlety (continuity)


Things to please keep in mind:

I did not edit any characters out because that would have caused too many changes to some aspects. 

Mrs. Vander remains because I am stubborn and I like her character for otherreasons that I have planned and refuse to give her up, even if now she isn't "necessary"as a foster parent.    

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