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What ends up happening when Thanos acquires all Six Stones and give the nice little snap and half of all our favorite MARVEL character vanish into thin air here is the place were we sure our fan theories and ideas. Questions like what characters did you not want to vanish and what other did you want to vanish?  Or other than Spider man's "death" with MARVEL character "death" was the most depressing. We will also be sharing about our top MARVEL movie and character in the past 10 years of the MCU. So let me tell you NOW THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR MCU MOVIES LIKE ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, INFINITY WAR, DR. STRANGE AND MORE  and of course there will be fanfiction. Things like MARVEL ships and enemies. And "What If" questions also feel free to ask my opinions about Marvel movies P.S  HAVE NOT SEEN ALL OF THE MARVEL MOVIE YET. so I apologize if I am not able to answer all of your questions but I will do my best and each week I will pick my favorite answers for each question

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