day Three & Four

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sorry didn't post yesterday I didn't think anything happened but what happened today says otherwise. Yesterday I was expecting my paper to be handed back to me, but nope everyone else got papers back, I sat there waiting for mine but Mrs. Truler just put the absent people's papers back in her first period box. I thought maybe she had not gotten to it yet. I'll wait. Rest of the day was my normal boring day hanged with friends in the library for it was raining. I swear Mother Nature is going through menopause or something! Hot as hell one day the next day the heavens are opening up and sinking us all. Make up your mind Mother Nature! I found a good book and was about to start reading it when Tammy came over put her chin on my shoulder so she can whisper in my ear.

"Mow?" One word question was all she needed for me to get up and grab my deck of cards. One thing you need to know my group of friend is big I might not know everyone but i know them through my close friends. You know that saying "Three People away from knowing the president"? That basically means you have a friend who knows about three other people you barely know and each of those three have three of their own, so on and so on. My point being when someone (mainly me) brangs out a deck of cards all of them crowd around one table and we all pick a game and today the game was Mow. For all that know what it is good for you those who don't GOOD LUCK. For the one rule of Mow that I can tell you is I Can't Explain the rules of Mow and each group starts out with at least one set rule. So like i said GOOD LUCK. Once you get the hang of it trust me you will never want to stop playing it.

Pretty normal day for me. Got home told my mom about the foot ball game I was going to on Friday. She said okay. I went to my own room to do homework and read the book that I got that day. Hideaway By Dean Kuntz. Started off good can't wait to finish it.

yesterday over lets get to what happened today and trust me today was anything from boring for me.

Started with math for our school is weird with the odd even all days. Always late Jake was on time he was there before i was. Which shocked me, I looked at him confused as I sat down. that is when I saw my english paper sitting on it. I could swear my jaw hit the floor along with my heart. How could Mrs. Truler give my paper to him? I blushed as I turn in my set to face him. "Look The as-"

He put his hand up not really flat looked as if he wanted to make it go flat but it was hard for him. "It's okay i liked it."

"Really?" I looked at him.

"All besides the nickname is that really what you call me?" He looked at me his head slightly tilted eyebrows raised.

"Well you are always late." I said not looking at him. just down at my paper.

"Why didn't you finish it?" He asked, I really did not what to look at him but he sounded entrusted.

"Time ran out." I said looking at him he was leaning in his chair to were he was only a few inches away from me. His closeness bothered me. I have a little personal space problem. "Um can you not be so close?" I leaned away to show him I was uncomfortable with his closeness.

"How about this?" He leaned back into his seat. "You help me in math and I will forgive you." He smiled.

"I told you I will probably confuse you even more." I said. "But I guess I owe you something. Library at lunch?"

"Let's make it study hall I have plans at lunch." He smiled. "You should finish that story I what to know what happens to me in it and why you seemed amuned."

I smiled and looked down. "I don't really let any one read my work." I looked up at him. "I don't know if this story is really going to go anywhere."

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