Changed Life Chapter 15 (War - Part 1)

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I woke up the next morning earlier than usual.. Why? Maybe because I had to PRACTICE!! GOD! Okay, so I went to practice the next morning and I practicing my aiming and heating up my flames. After I was finished, I went to where mom said she'd meet me and everyone else. When I got inside the room, my jaw fell open. It was full with ATTRACTIVE GUYS!! I quickly shut my mouth and went to where everyone was.

"Hello, Lauren. Nice to see that you finally are here" Danny smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Lauren I would like you to meet the guys, this is Nick, Dylan, Sam, Trevor, Josh, Ben and James. My best fighters. They have trained for many years and are still in great shape." Mom introduced me to my "soldiers". Well, I have to call them my soldiers, I mean this is war, AND they are fighting with me. I checked my clock to see what time it was. Just another hour to go until the battle. I was anxious. Who knew what would happen. What if I lost? Anyways, not the time to be thinking about that. I had to boost up my self-esteem. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some brownies. Now don't laugh, I like brownies. After, I decided to take a rest. I went upstairs and was about to lay down when I heard an explosion.

"WE'RE HERE!" A familiar voice shouted. Simon.. I quickly got up and ran downstairs. Simon was right there.

"I thought we said the field. Not here!" I said.

"Sure, sure, honey. We'll meet you there in 5 minutes." With that, they all disappeared.

I went back inside to inform everyone, but they were right behind me.

"What the..." I started but was cut off.

"We heard that. Hurry up let's go." My mom started. Then in Spanish she said, "Me tengo que ir y crear la barrera." (A/N It means, "I have to go and set up the barrier.")

"What's with the Spanish?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's the only language those filthy bloodsuckers can't speak or understand. now let's go! We have no time to waste." I nodded and followed.

When we reached the field, the Iceshards were already there. I looked for Simon. When I met his gaze, he gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Ready?" I asked.

"You betcha, honey." He replied.

I gritted my teeth. "Don't you dare call me that!" and with that, I struck him with my green flames. The flames of acid. It struck him right on the stomach. I smirked. "Wanna call me honey now?" I asked. And with that, I struck another flame at him. Too bad this time he dodged. I tried reading his mind. But I couldn't. I thought there was a barrier!


Danny's P.O.V.

I got the plump vampire. My favorites. I tried reading him out.

"Strike him on the left." was what I heard. Now I wasn't stupid. I knew that he knew that I could read minds so I knew he would strike his fist of spikes on my right. This was fun. Necromancers against Vampires. More like, Flames vs. Spikes! Haha! He struck at me and like I said, he struck at my right. I took my fist of blue flames, the flame of ice and hit him square on the hand. Looks like poor buddy's hand was frozen. Only one hand left. This was going to be fun.


Zoey's P.O.V.

"Ready?" asked Mrs. Conrad. I nodded and with that, she started to possess me. She was supposed to possess Danny, but when Danny saw the plump vampire he started pleading like a 3 year old wanting lollipop at a store. So I agreed on being possessed. The last thing I remembered was Mrs. Conrad trying to get inside of me.


Zoey's Opponents P.O.V.

I was about to strike at the girl when she started gagging. It seemed as if she was having a seizure. I started laughing. I was about to strike her when she stopped acting silly and stared at me with the most evil smirk. It was so scary it made me gulp. It reminded me of Alexa. The former Queen of N.M. She had injured me so bad I was in coma for 5 months.


Alexa's P.O.V.

I smirked at the skinny vampire in the most evil way as possible. I knew this guy. I remembered injuring him so bad in my last battle before I died that he had to be in coma for 5 months. This was going to be easy. I took out my fist and released my multi-coloured flames and I struck it at his face. He let out a LOUD scream and fell. 9 More vampires to go. Unless Danny and Lauren are doing pretty good.


That's all folks! We'll see what happens in the next chappie. I like this cliffie.



and remember to







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