Chapter 1 - Arrival

Start from the beginning

"If you two don't mind will you inform me of why you two are here?" As soon as I opened my lips a laughter echoed through the room as a man with a hat appeared on the stairs.

"My my my, we have two delicious mortals." He says and jumps down licking Yui's ear making her scream and god she sounds like a banshee.

"You taste delicious bitch-Chan." The hat man said.

"Let me have a taste." Another man, but with a teddy bear appeared and lick Yui's cheek causing her to cover herself.

"She does taste delicious."

"Hey! Stop touching ore-sama's property." The boy who called himself Ore-sama shouted.

"It's really irritating calling yourself ore-sama." A voice said.

"Shut up! I know it's you Subaru! Come out." He shouts standing up.

"I'm right here, idiot. This mortal disturbed my sleep. Who are you to disturb me?" He asked angry which my the way he is next to me noticing.

"How did you-" She was cut off when he the albino punched the wall next to me.

"Answer me first!" He shouted and Yui eyes widen.

"This is a mistake. We'll leave." Yui stood up and grabbed my hand, but I pinned her to the wall with one leg between hers.

"We are not leaving until we solve this little problem. I suggest you sit back down or there will be consequences. Got that." I said menacingly as she quivers and nodded.

I then let her go and as she quickly moved away from me as I leaned back against the wall in the same position.

"I agree with her. Will any of you tell me who they are?"

"They're probably the two girls staying with us." The blonde boy appeared on the couch.

"Care to explain why?"

"He called and told me that he would sending brides for us and not to hurt them." He says.

"More of a sacrificial brides." The hat man smirked.

"Well he said not to hurt and kill the blonde one." He shrugs as they all looked at me and Yui.

"I see well. I guess it's not a mistake at all. Let me introduce you to my brothers. That over there is Shuu the eldest. My name is Reiji the second eldest. The triplets, Ayato the third eldest."

"You won't get away next to, Pancake."

"Kanato the fourth eldest."

"I want to taste you again, nee-Chan."

"Laito the fifth eldest."

"Let's get to KNOW each other soon slut-Chan." He smirks.

"Subaru the youngest."

"Tch' what a waste."

"Bride? I'm not old enough to be one! I have to call father." She then searched for her phone until Ayato lifted it up.

"You mean this pancake?" He smirks.

"Hey, give that back!" As she tried to reach it from Subaru grabbed it from his hand.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"This." He crushed the phone and let it fall.

"Get lost." He walked away from her.

"Don't be sad, bitch- Chan. You don't need that stupid phone you have us." Laito smirks.

"I'm a little hungry, right teddy." Kanato smiles creepily.

"I agree on you, Kanato. Don't mind if I have a little taste." Laito licked her neck as she pushed them away and ran for a bit the tripped.

She had a cut on her leg and looked up to see all the men's eyes glow looking at her.

"Vampires." She took out her cross and pointed it at them.

"Stay back!" Shuu chuckled from her actions and I shook my head.

"Everything you heard from the church or priest is a lie, Yui. Garlic, cross, holy water, stakes nor the sun will kill them. So if I where you." I walked towards her and kneeled as blood drips from the cut and I slowly wiped it with my finger licking it.

"I better run." I said to her and she didn't have to be told twice, she stood up and ran.

I stood up and stretched not caring if my crop top sliding up a little.

"Now who's gonna follow my cardboard of a sister?" I asked and noticed that the triplets was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmm." I walked back to my spot and did the same pose again.

"So, Miss Red. Why is your name different then Miss Yui?" Reiji asked.

"I'm just the adopted sister. THAT priest just took me in and took care of me for a while, but then abuse started and I ran away from where she was at the age of 5. I was then adopted by my grandpa. He weren't related by blood, but he took care of me and teached me out to fight, defend and control my temper. When grandpa died, he had no blood relatives so he left me his house, money and everything. Since I arrived here, I will have to visit my house someday maybe during the summer break." I shrugged.

"What do you mean control your temper?" Subaru asked and Shuu was interested.

"Well, I have a really short temper when I was 15. A girl was bullying a boy and I stopped her. She slapped my face and I punched her at the face and beat her up to plump. The teacher came and separated us. I was expelled and home schooled. Grandpa didn't care cause he told me it was worth it." The boys chuckled.

We then heard a large crash upstairs and we all followed it. A metal chain and lock was on the floor as the door was slightly opened. We entered to see Yui on the floor sobbing with a book on her hand.

"Out of all the rooms, you have chosen this one?" She jumped and looked at us.

The triplets walked towards her and looked at me for help. I rolled my eyes at her and walked out the hall way leaning against the wall next to the door. A loud thud hit the floor.

"Sorry." Shuu said as Yui passed out.

I then entered the room and looked at Yui.

"Don't mind me bringing this sliced break with me." I was about to carry her when Ayato spoke up.

"Are you sure about that? Ore-sama thinks she's heavy." I shrugged and carried her over my shoulders before turning to look at them.

"I've been working out." I patted his shoulder and left the room leaving Ayato and the boys with their mouth open.

Third person POV

As Red left the room Laito smirked and looked at her ass.

"Damn ain't she a one woman army." He says as he whistled.

"I don't even know what to describe her other then she's beautiful." Reiji pushes his glasses up.

As everyone leaved the room a mysterious figure looked up the manor and soon disappeared to the trees.

Red (DL x OC) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now