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1: physically and emotionally my dood :"))

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1: physically and emotionally my dood :"))

2:.........No comment

3:YeS oMg mY ExO OpPaRs

4:My fam cause I have to :))

5:coke all the way

6:I don't hate anyone, I can't hate anyone. No matter how wrong they have done me


Idk how to space without taking off the @ :")

8:nah fam

9:I wanna be a chef in my own soup restaurant

10:Heck yea fam with soup

11:I cry a lot- soooo......... Legit like a few mins ago-......

12:bright colors in general but I really favor plant green, oh or white

13:OK funny thing about that I thought I was super tall and when I measured my self multiple times I kept getting different answers so idk- but it's over 5'6

14: Me and wonho have the same birthday different years :DD So it's March 1st

15: dark brown

16: black I think....... It's really dark

17:soup, I love soup


19:both but mainly hugs cause I get those more :)

20: I don't really have one cause it's so hard to make it with my name but my friend that's an egg calls me jiggle ig

21:good question


23: 👀👀🍷

24: Every embarrassing thing I have done

25: Both

26: Parks and rec

27: can't choose

28: idk-

29: my friends :))


31: Yes very much

32:depends if I wanna lie or be honest

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