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When I moved to this town
I had no friends
And you became one of my best friends
And in third grade, you had a crush on me
I don't know why
I was nothing special

Then at the end of fifth grade
You were ripped away from my life
You went to a different junior high
You were gone, for three years

And now we're starting high school, supposedly four of the best years of our lives
And you're going to be in the same school as me again
I didn't have to wait until school to see you

Marching Band
A place where I can see you
And although we never talk
Just the sight of you, sparked nostalgia
Nostalgia that has caused something deep within me
To awaken

If I could, I would go back to third grade, and I would tell my younger self of all of the emotions I have for you

But I can't
And you don't feel that way anymore
Timing is bad I guess
But I truly hope we can be at least friends again

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