Part 14

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All day Niall, and I had been hanging around; none of us talking about my failure to graduate…it was just one class. Who knew that when people said, it only takes one to ruin something, it’s actually true. I tried to fix it, but I just couldn’t. I called the school about fifteen times, but they said, no help or solution was available. I had this coming I guess. I would have liked a warning though… At least I still have Niall.

Niall was cooking, and I probably shouldn’t let him but it’s not like I would be able to cook right now, so I have no other choice. What am I going to tell dad?! They expect me to leave in three weeks, and I can’t leave until two horrible months of Summer school! I’m going to hell. I had no idea what Niall was making but it smelled good. I was sitting on my bed starring at my enormous book shelf that circulated my entire room. Like it was ‘The Great Wall of Books’. All my time reading in the office –I was even on first name bases with Mrs.Usan, the school secretary- when I could have been practicing or taking the test in Music. How could I been so stupid, and stubborn.

        I don’t go for people for her help, but her godmother worked in the school records office. She could change anything. She changed her god-daughters grades once! At least that’s what she told me, point is she didn’t get caught. I need this. I need to get to London.

        I went of my room to the living room; Niall didn’t notice me come out of my room, since he was munching on some Pasta. I loved pasta! I rummaged through my bag until I managed to get my phone out from under all my books. I have a phone pocket thingy, but throwing my phone into my book bag is just easier. I went back to my room and dialed my friends’ number.

It rung twice until a soft sleepy voice answered, “Hello?”

“Gabriella!” I answered excitedly, “I need a favor!”

“You lied to me,” She said, she was still sounding sleepy but it was wearing off. I checked the time on my alarm. 8:00 p.m. Gabriella always takes naps at Eight so that her parents think she’s asleep when they check on her at nine. Around twelve she wakes up, and sneaks around with her secret ‘Boyfriend’ Edward. Well she calls him her boyfriend, but seeing how he looks at her, he’s more like her master, and she’s his toy. I tried telling her once, but it only ended up turning into a huge fight, I said sorry in the end anyway since I didn’t want to lose a friend. I have them very limited; I can’t just go around ditching them.

“You said you would write my paper, but there was no paper was there?! You just wanted Niall all to yourself! What happened, what did you do?! Everyone’s talking about how you guys hooked up, or that you have like this Major crush on him or something but you never told me anything! I didn’t even know you liked One Direction! Do you know how that makes me look?!” She complained. She raised her voice a bit but quickly lowered it.

“Fine! I’ve been keeping a couple of secrets here and there but it’s no biggy!” I defended. I really didn’t want to tell her.

“No ‘Biggy’? Really Ava?!” She sounded offended, “No biggy is when you don’t tell me when you’re on your period and I piss you off, or when you’re sneaking out of the house, which would never happen, something like that!” She exclaimed, “But not telling me, you were a fan of my favorite band also, or what happened between you and Niall when I left you guys alone? THAT’S A BIGGY BITCH!” She shouted into the phone, “I mean I not just want to know, it’s my right to know! I mean are you fucking kidding me! And you didn’t tell me you could sing, also-”

“Niall’s kind of my boyfriend.” I confessed. I had to say anything to shut her up. The line went silent, and I just heard her gasp…. And then a laugh…. A laugh?

Ava, The World, & Niall Horan -A Niall Horan Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now