meet the sca

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Okay so the sca is the string cutting act which means your life is on a string and the cut the string when it's time for you to you know kick the bucket. Now I'm thinking what would bucky do if he kicked the bucket he must have been upset. Anyways I'm nelo and yes I'm a girl with a boy name so what. The doctor was like "it's NOT a boy!!!". But I work at the sca! No I'm not the "best" at my job
"You killed three people that were 5,6 and 7" one of the sca members said.
Hey I didn't mean to they were looked that same
Anyways but I know the chapter name sounds like meet the plastics but trust me if anyone I know that would be Regina George is my (evil) sister lelo. She looks like a barbie. Sure she got the looks and money from all her model jobs but trust me she is not nice or kind or anything she is just her, but that's not a good thing. But the only thing I have ever wanted was a own family.

             To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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