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We are currently on the train to Hogwarts looking for a place to sit here's an empty compartment wait there's someone in there.

"Hi do mind if we sit here." I asked the boy.

"Not at all." He said and the five of us sat down.

"Lets all go around and introduce ourselves." I suggested.

"Okay girl I'll start. I'm Alya Cesaire." Alya said.

"I'm Adrien Agreste." Adrien said.

"I'm Harry Potter." My brother said.

"Wait the Harry Potter." The boy said in shock.

"I'm Marinette Potter." I said.

"Wow the Potter twins." The boy said.

"I'm Nino Lahife." Nino said.

"I'm Ron Weasley." The boy said. We all sat and talked and when the sweet cart came me and my brother both said that we would take it all. When we were almost to Hogwarts a girl came in saying that we should get changed and asking if we saw a toad anywhere as a boy named Neville lost his.

"You two are the Potter twins. I've read about you two in many books." The girl said then proceeded to list the books that she's read about us in. "I'm Hermione Granger by the way." She said. We finally got to Hogwarts. Hagrid called out for all the first years and the seven of us headed over to Hagrid.

"Ello Harry Marinette Adrien Alya Nino." Hagrid greeted. We then took boats to the school Harry sat with Hermione Ron and another boy. I sat with Alya Adrien and Nino. We are now about to get sorted. I saw a hat sitting on a stool as we walked in. Then when all of the first years were in the the great hall the hat started singing. After the song we were sorted

Hannah Abbott became a hufflepuff

Adrien became a Gryffindor

Susan Bones became a hufflepuff

Terry Boot became a ravenclaw

Mandy Brocklehurst also went to ravenclaw

Millicent Bulstrode became a slytherin

Alya became a Gryffindor

Justin Finch Fletchley became a hufflepuff

Seamus Finnigan became a Gryffindor

Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor as well

Neville Longbottom became a Gryffindor

Malfoy the hat barely touched him and he was declared a slytherin

Nino also became a Gryffindor

Soon enough it was Harry's turn he was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Potter, Marinette." Professor McGonagall called I shyly made my way to the hat.

The hat was an entire inch above my head when it shouted out Gryffindor. I ran to join my friends and brother.

Dean Thomas joined us at the Gryffindor table

Lisa Turpin became a ravenclaw

Then it was Ron's turn he became a Gryffindor

Blaise Zabini was made a slytherin. Then the sorting was over. The headmaster said some odd words. Then it was time for the feast.

Marinette PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora