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~in Le dream~

"I'm running...? but why ???from what?? "I mentally said as I could see myself running through trees and bushed, breathing so harshly,  in hospital clothes??.
I don't know what the hell was going on but it all looked familiar to me.
I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. I fell hard on the ground trying to remove the thing off my neck.

It all came back to me.

I was running from the guards that guarded the hospital that I was tortured at. I scratched at the pain and was revealed to be a wire attached to a teaser. I was soon forced to the ground with the edge of the gun being cocked at my head. My vision came blurry as my body soon felt heavy. Soon enough I was out, the last I saw where flashlights pointing at me and the man...Ari...

~end of le dream~

I woke up in a sweat. Jolting up made me headbutt someone's head.
"Ooowww... " someone said.
I was fine, it didn't hurt me since I was hard headed. I turned to see who it was.
"O it's just u Leo" I said tiredly while stretching. I felt bandages wrapped up my arms, I looked at them and remembered what happened.
"Hey y/n, u should warn someone when u headbutt man" Leo said as he sat on the ground holding his now red forehead.
I didn't bother to look at him as I took of the bandages. He quickly got up and stopped me from taking them off.
"Leo I don't need these to heal u know" I sighed out looking at him.
"I-I know but it's just....." He paused before finishing. I sighed.
"Look I know that I heal at a fast rate then u guys but, it's OK they were just little scratches so theirs no scars see." I said showing him my arms. They were clean of scars like I said. He stared in amazement. I continued to unwrap it and he just stared.
"So how long was I out? "I asked.
"Um it's been three days" he said nervously. Wow I was out that long.
He got up and started to head out of my room.
"Oh hey I forgot... Happy birthday y/n" he said smiling as he closed my door.
I forgot it was my birthday. To be honest I forgot I had one. I got up to change out of my sleep wear.
I took a shower and put on a Tokyo ghoul shirt and some ripped black jeans. I head for my door and saw it was only 8:00 in the morning. I headed down stairs to find everyone in the kitchen.... Cooking. I was surprised at this. I walked in and jealyn noticed me first
"Hey look how's up? "She smiled. Allaih said getting the muffins out of the oven.
I looked at them in surprise.
"Wow.... The food is not burnt for once"
I joked since the sucked at cooking.
They gave me death looks but I just rubbed it off.
"Hey we're not bad at cooking!! "Leo shout out.
"Yeah we're just bad at timing"jealyn said backing him up.
"OK OK ,what every u guys say " I teased.
They gave annoyed looks and it was funny.
"Hay!! Come on in and eat up we got some plans for today!! "Allaih said excitedly.

Plans??? I didn't know they made any?? ' I mentally said to myself.
Leo and jealyn entered the room first and then me
I looked and saw (f/c) streamers hanging up and (f/c) balloons on my chair with muffins and pancakes that had tons of whip cream, sprinkles, and syrup and birthday candles. It was all beautiful.
"Wow u guys this looks amazing and delicious. "I said sitting down in the birthday chair.
"U welcome (y/n)!! Now eat up so we can go!! "They all shouted and started to eat as fast as they can.
I laughed at how fast they we're all eating there food,I looked down at mine and blew the candles out, took them out and started to chow down.

~10 minutes later~

We got done washing dishes and started to head out. We got into jealyns car and drove off. Leo blind folded me so I couldn't see wear we where going.
I felt like I was being kidnapped.
"O please good sir's!!  Let me go I beg of u !!!" I said dramatically like the girls on TV would say.
"Never!!! for u can be a good use to us!"Leo said in a deep voice putting his hand on my shoulder. I felt creeped out so I moved his hand in disgust.
" uuummm no thanks my dude" I said shooting over to the other side of the car.
"O come on (y/n)!!! It was getting fun !!! "Leo said trying to put his arm around me. I got uncomfortable so I started to make screeching sounds as loud as I can.
" hey no more dinosaur sounds they hurt my eardrums" leo said covering one side of his ears.
"O suck it up butter cup!! U creeped me out!!"  I said stroking his face as weird as I could.
"OK then now stop stroking my face" he said grabbing my hands cause he was getting annoyed and kind of mad.
I did as he wanted me to and he gave me a pat on the head.
The car stopped unexpectedly and I fell forward hitting the back of the driver seat.
'Hooooonk!! '
"Fucking asshole!!! Learn how to fucking drive man!!" jealyn said angrily spamming the car horn.
"Owww jealyn what happened!! "I asked holding my nose.
"This fucker drove in front of me and took my parking spot without any warnings!!! " she said as I felt the car move again.
We drove for awhile and came to a stop but I didn't hit my face.
Allaih carried me out of the car bridle style cause it was easier than trying to guided me without tripping.
"Ah now ain't this wonderful " I said sarcastically.
"Yesh it is, for I am the loving husband carrying my wife to our new home, where I hit ur head on the door frames trying to get u inside. "She said proudly. We both laughed as she stopped and put me down. Jealyn took the blind fold off and my vision was blurry as fuck.
" whoa, OK hang on let my eyes adjust for a little while" I said waited for them to adjust while looking down at the floor and saw that we where at the carnival.
My eyes widened at the sight of rides and games.
"Alright lets go have fun!!"allaih yelled out and started to run through the entrance. We followed as we got wristbands to ride free rides all day.

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