Chapter 1 Backstage

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Hi first I would like to tell you about the main character, first of all she is meant to be you but she needs a name and a past so here it is.

Name: Park Layna

Nationality: half Korean, half Australian.

Age: 18

Some more information about Layna:

•Layna has split parents. Her Mum lives in Queensland Australia and her Appa (dad) lives in South Korea.

•She has naturally blonde hair.

•Layna is skinny

•Has big pretty eyes

Hope this helps a little, more info will obviously be written in the story.

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*Layna's pov*

Why do I keep hearing voices?

I'm trying to sleep and I can hear is these strange voices...

They're so fuzzy and I can't really understand them.

How am I sleeping? I mean I don't remember going to bed let alone sleeping...

I remember going to a SHINee concert in Seoul last night, but I can't remember getting home...

I must of been so tired, but how could I of been so tired? I just saw SHINee! Maybe I danced too much to the music that it tired me out, maybe I didn't drink enough water!? I didn't buy water so that could be the reason.

Those voices though. Maybe because I'm staying at my friends house Jan di,

She might of had more of her friends stay but I don't remember her mentioning that she would invite not only me but others.

. . . .

That light! It's so bright! Even though I have my eyes closed, I can still see the light. It's like it's directly infront of my face!

And my head hurts so much! Maybe I did didn't drink enough water... My throat does feel a little dry.

Maybe I have a migraine?

I reach my hand to my fore head and rub it slowly to ease the pain from my 'Migraine'

I don't won't to open my eyes because it seems that the pain from my head is making my eyes really sore.

I then hear noises again. It's now coming clearer because Ive awoken. It sounds like there is a few boys in the same room as.. I am..

After realising that there could be boys in the room.

With my eyes still closed I instantly scatter my hands around my body, to make sure I have my clothes on...

But why am I doing this? I'm sure Jan di wouldn't allow that to happen to me... I'm sure it's an automatic hand movement for us girls.

As I keep checking my body, I notice that I haven't changed my clothes since the concert...

Maybe I just passed out on the bed you know cause my headache was really sore... Well I'm hoping that is the answer.

I then start to hear the voices even clearer, before I couldn't understand them but now I can...

"Is she having a nightmare?" One of the boys asked. "I hope she isn't" the boy said answering he's own question.

"She could be" another boy answered.

"Yeah she is probably dreaming about you throwing things at her" a boy says loudly chuckling.

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