Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of Naruto babbling about protecting Sakura. How had I slept through the Leaf vs Sound battle, just to be woken up by him right after? I put that thought out of my mind, opening my eyes to look around.

 I was sitting in Sakura's lap as Ino was fixing her hair. I licked her hand to say thank you, then jumped out of her lap. I was already mostly healed. My chest hurt some, but that's it.

I looked around to see who else was here, and everyone but team Guy was. They most have already left with Lee. I wanted to thank Sakura for keeping me safe with the others, so I nudged her with my head. When she reached over to pet me, putting her hand on my head, I transferred some of my now replenished chakra to her. Sakura didn't notice, she was probably too tired. 

After I checked on Naruto, I went over to see Sasuke. I knew that his chakra would be giving him trouble for a while, so I gave him some of my chakra, too. Unlike Sakura, he did notice. He stated at me, activating his Sharingan for a closer look. I sighed.

"Ya know, that was kind of stupid. I only gave you a little chakra, and you're wasting it examining me."

"You are a strange creature. How can you give me chakra? Never mind. You can't answer, anyway."

"A thanks would suffice."

Now that I was done thanking team 7, I really needed to get back to Gaara. I had been gone for what? 3 days? Either way, he would be beside himself with worry. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. I hadn't even tried to send him a message. I really hope he doesn't take it out on someone else. With that horrible thought in mind, I took off into the sky.

"Bye weird flying dog!" Naruto yelled after me.

"See ya!" I yelled back to him. "Watch out for the genjutsu on your way over!"

I flew off at top speed towards the tower, avoiding the flying projectiles thrown my way. Do those idiots think I have a scroll or something?

"Hey! Throwing stuff at animals is Animal Cruelty! I'll get you back later!"

I could sense that the sound ninjas were some of the ones who threw stuff at me. Eh, they'll get paid back by someone else later. They might not be very nice, but I still think it's disgusting that Orochimaru uses them in the reanimation jutsu later. I sighed. I can't get revenge on people who are gonna die later.

I arrived at the tower about an hour later. I was going slow, so I wouldn't jostle my ribs. They should be healed by tomorrow. I would be fine by the time the prelims start. Gaara was waiting for me on the roof. I could tell he was angry, his emotionless face was on. He was almost never like that around me.

"Why were you gone so long? I was worried! Don't you ever do that to me again!"

Gaara hugged me tight as I landed in his lap, sending a shot of pain through me. I tried not to show that it hurt, but I couldn't suppress a whine of pain. He loosened his hold immediately, then carefully poked and prodded me to see where I was hurt. I whined again when he got to my ribs.

"No, you're hurt! I need to get you to a vet."

"I'll be fine." I told him, licking his hand to show him I was ok. "I'll go see Kiba and ask if his mom or sister can take a look at me before the prelims."

He picked me up, carrying me gently into the tower. As we went, I looked for Kiba. I finally saw him close to the bottom of the tower, the same floor as the bedrooms.

"Hey, Kiba, would you mind helping me out with something?" I asked, nudging Gaara so he'd stop walking.

"Sure! What can I do to help, Kira?" Gaara glanced down at me, seeming jealous that I asked Kiba for help.

"I think I bruised my ribs. Do you think you can get an Inuzuka to look at it before the next phase of the exams? Oh, and please let Gaara know what we're talking about. I don't want him to worry."

Kiba shook his head at me, either thinking I was reckless to get hurt or that I was crazy to think Gaara was capable of worry, but he did as I asked.

 "G-Garra," he said, obviously scared, "Kira wants me to take her to one of my relatives so they can cure her. They are the best vets on Konoha, how she knew this I don't know."

"Fine then, you can take her. But I want her back with me tomorrow, or I'll come after you." Gaara said.

Well, at least he's not going to freak out about this. I will have to stick closer to him for the next couple days, though. Ever since we came to Konoha, I've been spending a lot more time away from him than with him. There's just so much going on right now.

I jumped out of Gaara's arms and into Kiba's, landing carefully so I wouldn't hurt myself more. I said bye to Gaara, Kiba telling him for me, then let Kiba take me away. He found Anko and asked her to contact his mom or sister to give me a checkup. Anko left, and it wasn't very long before Kiba's sister, Hanna, arrived to take a look at me.

"So, what's wrong with you, Sweety?" She asked me.

"I think I bruised my ribs. An enemy threw me into a tree."

She checked my ribs, using medical ninjutsu to take a look at them and the surrounding tissue.

"You should be just fine." Hanna reassured me. "I'll just wrap this up nice and tight and you'll be back to normal in no time."

She wrapped bandages around my chest as best she could. Some places were left uncovered because of my wings being in the way. It was lucky that they hadn't broken in the fight. If it had gone on any longer, they probably would have. 

Hanna told Kiba that she wanted to keep me overnight, so she could make sure that nothing happened that would make my wounds worse.

"Hey, Kiba, can you tell Gaara where I'm gonna be? Sorry to keep asking you to do things for me, but only Inuzukas can understand me."

"It's fine, I get it. It's not like I've never had to do this before. You just worry about getting better, I'll tell him."

"Thanks! I really appreciate your help. You too, Hanna."

"No problem." They said in unison.

Then Kiba left, leaving me and Hanna alone together. She teleported us to the Inuzuka compound, putting me in a dog bed in the hospital. She gave me some knock out drugs before leaving to help with the pain. While it did help, it also put me to sleep, sending me back into the oblivion I had just recently escaped from.

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