RG1: The HappyPasta That Visits Me

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It's a Friday afternoon.

I'm laying in bed since I just got home from school and I was tired from having a long day. I had almost gotten sent home early after an incident with one of my teachers; I was barely able to keep my emotions in and half way fell apart on them before pulling myself back together.

I sighed, covering my face. I hate how I feel, and I hate that no one understands and can't understand. I don't want to feel this way, but it's like certain things send my brain into a rage mode and I can't control it, no matter how much I want to. Either that or it's a breakdown with me feeling sad. Just thinking about it makes me feel like crying maybe, but the thing is I can't cry. I, for some reason, can't feel that branch of emotion. Nothing triggers it.

As I'm thinking about me almost exploding in school today, and my brain tries to calculate how to feel, I suddenly hear the faint sound of bells in the air.

Familiar, soothing bells.

Suddenly, it's like the storm attacking my brain disappears, and I'm filled with a happier, childlike feeling. I only ever feel this way when he appears.

I quickly sit up in bed and see a very tall being wearing a suit of colorful polka dots, fancy top hat, tendrils trailing from its back with bells at the ends and a very cartoonish looking face is standing before my bed, cane in hand. He looked me directly in the eye with an outrageously goofed smile and I couldn't help but immediately smile. I never smile unless he's around.

"Ohhh...How adorable˳✧༚!!!" The being screeched while gently tapping its cane against its cheek. "So adorable how my little (Y/N) greets me with a smile!"

Here's an explanation on this thingy that suddenly appeared in my room. He's an entity called a Happypasta that goes by the name of The SplendorMan (I just call him Splendor or Splendy). He's unrealistic by all earthly and scientific terms but somehow he just exists and I managed to befriend him.

I was around 6 or 7 years old when I first encountered him; I had gotten lost carelessly playing in the woods by myself and beyond all odds, this magical walking beanstalk appeared to me and helped me back home. I was so awestruck by him, being that I was a little kid at the time and I made this poor soul promise to be my friend forever and believe it or not Splendor stuck around with me for all these years.

He started appearing to me after my 8th birthday, and from then on he visited me almost everyday at most or whenever my parents and older brother weren't around for him to be seen. He already can't be seen by my family but it would be weird if they caught me talking to nothing in their field of vision, so Splendor kept that in mind.

I had a fun childhood, having a real life fun-loving colorful and cartoonish magical entity hanging around me, playing games, building forts, helping me with homework, creating magical stuffs for me.

It's been years of him sticking around, but while Splendor is an eternally child-like and optimistic being, I on the other hand have grown unfortunately and am now a high schooler that just can't be bothered at most times.

It's just another day of him coming to visit me and as usual he always expect us to do the same things we did when I was a child.

"How shall we start the evening? Oh, I know! Hide and seek!!!" The SplendorMan suggested before I could get a word in, suddenly vanishing from where he had first appeared in my room.

I then heard his voice echo in my head, "Try and find me, tee-hee˳✧༚!"

It didn't take much effort for me to roll off my bed and head to my closet and swing open the door. SplendorMan was there, giggling to himself like a child and squeezed tightly along with all my stuff.

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