Chapter 2 :Losing Some Memory

Start from the beginning

"Are you don't remember us?" said the girl who have long pink pale hair


"What happened to you,darling?" ask the girl who has violet hair


"Rainbow,we're your best friends." said the fire haired girl

"PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed louder as I can.

     They look suprised.I don't know what happened here.A fews minutes later,the Doctor came with 2 people I never know.The one is a female who have cyan blue skin,a pairs of magenta eyes and orange hair.And the one is a man who have blue skin,rainbow hair and hazel eyes.Then the Doctor approaching me and tell the girls to walk out from the room.
       And now,in this room just me,the woman,the man and the Doctor.Then the woman and the man approaching me.Then,the woman said,

"Honey,are you alright?"

      When I was about to screamed,the Doctor approaching the woman and said,

"Don't be too fast,Miss Windy."

         Then,the doctor approached me and said,

"Now,please calm sown,Miss Dash."

      I'm calm myself.Then,the Doctor ask me
"Miss.Dash do you remember who is her?" ask the doctor while pointing to the woman.

"No,Doc.I don't remember anything at all.I even don't remember myself" I said.

      After that,the woman let out a gasp,while the man look shocked.
Then,I'm ask the Doctor,

"Doc,who are they? Who that 6 girls who came to my room earlier? Who this man? Who this woman? And who me?" I ask.

"Well,your name is Rainbow Mirriam Dashery,"

"This is your mother,Windy Whistle," said the Doctor while pointing to the woman,

"This is your father,Bow Hot Hoof," said the Doctor while pointing to the man

"And the 6 girls who visit you earlier is your best friends." said the Doctor.

       Then,I looked at the woman,I think,I ever meet her,


      That's time I'm 5 years old.I'm at the flower garden,watering the flower.Then,my mom came,but her face ia blurry.Then, I'm run to her and hug her,

"Mom!!!" I said excited

"Oh,hello sweetie.What are you doing here?" she ask

"I'm just watering the flower.They're look withered." answer me

"Ok,I will help you."said her.

     Then,we watering the flower together. A fews minute later,we finished.Then my Mom call me,

" Honey,can you come here?"

"Yes Mom.What's up?" I'm ask my Mom

"I have something for you.But first, you have to close your eyes." said my Mom

"It's like an surprise?" I'm ask my Mom

"Kinda" said my Mom.

"Ok,I will close my eyes," I said

     Then,I close my eyes.A fews time later,my Mom said I can open my eyes,

"Ok,now you can open your eyes." said my Mom.

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