"11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1.....here." I said coming to a stop in front of the large metal bars. Inside the cell was a blue and white dragon. It seemed to be a Female. She looked weak and malnourished, her ribs could be seen through her scaled hide. She was laying on her side with her head away from the door.

"Shes alive, but weak. We need to get her out." Tyro said pulling a small, thin metal piece from his vest. He slid it between the door frame, causing the door to open and swing out toward us. I stepped inside as a sudden scent hit my nose. I knew this scent well, as it was one of the few scents a dragon learns when young and never forgets. My limbs began shaking and my heart began beating faster and faster.

"M.....mom?" I mumbled quickly going to her muzzle, lifting it so she and i were face to face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. She had a confused expression on her muzzle at first, but my scent soon registered in her mind and she remembered who i was.

"Shadow......is that you?" She asked as she tried to stand. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, its me mom." I replied. Those few words seemed to bring new life into her as she stood and wrapped me in her wings. Pulling me tight against her, she threw her muzzle into my neck and took a deep breath.

"It is you.....my son.......Shadow." She mumbled, her tone full of mixed emotions. I could say the same about myself, i was so full of mixed emotions that i couldn't display any i was feeling.

"Mom.......mom.....your alive." I mumbled as we held each other close. Suddenly, her legs gave underneath her. I wrapped my arms around her, catching her before she fell.

"Mom, your weak. Let me carry you." I said slowly taking her to the ground.

"Wheres your father? I want to see him." She panted as she lay her head against my chest. I sighed and held her close, not wanting to tell her. After a moment of silence, she laughed lightly and looked up at me.

"I see. Knowing him, it was something reckless. Serves him right for taking those risky missions." She smiled as she shook her head.

"My foolish, brave boys." She smiled before licking my muzzle.

"Mom, he died to save you.........so that i could have you back." I replied returning her lick with a nuzzle.

"My words still stand." She said as she tried to stand, only to fail.

"Let me carry you mom." I stated, managing to slide her onto my back. She wiggled herself into a more comfortable position, with her head beside mine, her stomach lining my back, and her tail twined around mine. Her forepaws held onto my shoulders, and her rear legs draped across my rear legs.

"You've gotten strong. Im proud of you son." She cooed into my ear as she nuzzled the side of my head. I smiled and returned the nuzzle before walking out of the cell and back to the deck. I lay my mother down inside one of the V22's, leaving her with a pair of Medics, who quickly began pumping her with the nutrients she so desperately needed.

"They found your fathers body Shadow. What do you want to do with it?" Tyro asked as i left my mothers side to speak with him. I closed my eyes and thought for a moment.

"He always loved the water you know.......so........leave his bod and sink the ship. Give him a burial at sea. I think thats what he would have wanted." I replied glancing toward the command deck. Tyro nodded and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"So, it seems he wanted to pass his legend, the legend of Razgriz onto you, wouldn't you say?" He said tapping on the mask that still sat on top of my head. It was up at the moment, so that others could see my face. I smiled and nodded.

"And i happily accept it." I replied closing my eyes.

"And now, Razgriz has one last target to take." I replied.

"Yeah?" Tyro replied sitting on his haunches.

"Lung Wei. He's the one behind all of this. He's in cahoots with the American government. His plan all along was to draw rouge dragons to one place and kill them all." I replied as i started walking toward the V22 my mom was on.

"So, you found out as well? If thats the case, then theres no need to fill you in. I managed to find out and get Adelind and my family out. I also managed to get Taro out as well, so don't fret him. I don't know who else was able to get out in time, so expect a blood bath." Tyro replied as we climbed into the back of the V22. Nina and my mother were sitting side by side, speaking with one another.

"Don't worry, i don't plan on dying tonight. Not before i can free every dragon completely from all of this." I replied.

"Now, lets get to the temple, so we can end this once and for all." I growled pulling the mask down over my muzzle. Tyro smiled.

"Like father, like son." He laughed before motioning for everyone to move out. With that, the props spun up and we took off, headed toward Lung Wei and his temple.

From Soldiers Rifle To Dragons Wings: Resistance (BOOK 4)Where stories live. Discover now