[4] Collateral Damage

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     When an animal is cornered, they become fierce and rabid

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When an animal is cornered, they become fierce and rabid. Their teeth appear like knives, eyes full of blood lust, ready to kill and destroy the people who cornered them. Ava felt herself becoming more rabid as she glared at the young commander. For the past three days, she was kept in the room with limited human contact. Kane's little spy clenched her fist, refusing to let anger boil over and take full control of her actions.

Lexa stood in front of Ava with her arms folded behind her. Her emerald eyes glistened in the light; warm specks of gold created the illusion that her eyes were as comforting as the sun. Despite the warmth of her eyes, the young commander stared at Ava with a coolness that reminded her of the long, agonizing nights on the Ark.

"The healer told me your wound is healing quickly," her voice held the chill of a blizzard; the fake pleasantry cutting the silence in the room like a sharp sword. Lexa didn't give Ava the chance to reply. She took a long step forward, keeping her shoulders high as she closed the space between them. Menacingly, she began walking around the room, encircling the brunette who held her head up high and refused to show that she was shaken. "Do you know the one your people call Finn?" The venom in Lexa's voice hung in the air, shifting the atmosphere.

Ava glanced down at the floor, noticing how the cracks intertwined with one another. She pressed her fingers deeper into her palms creating soft indents. "I know of him," Ava's voice was steady as she spoke, "Why?"

Everyone on the Ark knew of Finn. Space-walker, the boy who wasted a month's supply of oxygen. He should have gotten floated for his actions, but minors had the chance to have their capital crime wiped off their records; a second chance that spared many peoples' lives.

The brunette noticed how Lexa's footsteps stopped. Ava turned her head to look at her. The young commander stared out the bar covered windows. A small look of sorrow swept over her soft features. In a blink of an eye, sorrow was replaced with a fiery rage. Lexa turned her head towards Ava, a glare etched into her features that radiated vengeance.

"He," she hissed, "is responsible for the massacre at Tondc." Lexa's fingers gripped the windowsill.

Ava just nodded, unsure of what to say to Lexa. The brunette began to take a step towards her, feeling her legs shake with every clank her boot made against the concrete floor.

"We march towards your people tonight." Lexa was barely audible as she spoke. Ava stopped mid-step, feeling her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. Lexa continued to stare at out the window. "They will be killed for the massacre of the village. Blood must have blood."

Ava's face fell fast. Instantly, her skin became grey, her mouth hung open with her lips slightly parted. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. The image of her childhood friend instantly appeared in front of her. His freckle painted face, his warm eyes and the teasing grin that would form on his face when he made her frustrated. She didn't even know if he and his sister survived, but she pictured their lifeless bodies underneath Lexa's feet.

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