➖chapter twenty-three➖

Start from the beginning

"Use the sire bond to convince her that everything is okay?"

Elena joins them in the kitchen with tears slightly decorating her cheeks. "I'm not in denial. I know he was supernatural, but did you see? His tattoo is gone. The tattoo that had the spell to open Silas' chamber."

"Oh, great, I'm sure Silas is on the loose now, huh?" Davina shakes her head in exasperation.

"Maybe it being gone means that he's fulfilled his supernatural destiny. Maybe he's back to normal. It's possible, right?"


"It's possible, Caroline. There's a chance. It may be miniscule, but it's hope, and I'm gonna hold on to that hope with everything that I've got, because there's no way that m--there's absolutely no way that my brother is dead. I'm not in denial." She turns and leaves the kitchen.

"I'll show her empathy, sure, but that doesn't mean I need to listen to her voice," Davina mutters before sticking earbuds in.


Davina's currently straightening pictures on the wall when Meredith comes down the stairs after examining Jeremy's body.

"Oh, Davina, hey. I'm going to bump the AC, but we're not going to be able to keep him up there for much longer."

"Hi. I'm just making sure that these pictures are parallel to each other," she murmurs.

"Is that really your priority right now?"

"Yes," she replies shortly. "Home decorating could be my new pastime."

"You don't want to comfort Elena, maybe help her see that her denial isn't-"

"Elena and I aren't friends anymore," Davina interrupts and turns away from the pictures. "I'm here for her, but only for support. Not for friendship."

"I see. Well, that's a shame. Uh, I guess just know that Elena's on a bit of a collision course with her denial, and it would be a good idea to brace yourself for the impact. It's going to get messy."

"Trust me, I've been dealing with messy for a while now," she grumbles.


She's waiting outside with Caroline for Bonnie and Damon to arrive at the Gilbert house. Caroline was currently leaving Tyler another voicemail while Davina awkwardly sat on the porch swing.

Damon's car finally pulled up in front of the house and Bonnie gets out of the passenger seat. Caroline rushes over to greet her, but Davina stays put, as she's not too happy with Bonnie either.

"Thank god. We were so, so worried," Caroline tells her and they hug.

"I'm okay," Bonnie assures her.

Damon gets out of the car and looks at Davina. "Could you get Stefan out here?"

"They said what she knows what to do," Caroline says, looking hopeful, unlike Damon.

"I need to talk to my brother, Davina," Damon tells her, gesturing for her to go get him. She nods and hurries inside.


Of course, Bonnie was completely and utterly brainwashed. Davina had just listened to her whole spiel about how murdering twelve people would be the only way to create the Expression Triangle. She wanted to complete it for Silas, the immortal lunatic.

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