Alone at last

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M/n POV.

I was shocked, seeing Jimin hurt. "Jungkook, did you do this?" I asked. "Yeah! I did this! I hurt your precious boyfriend! Send me to hell! " Jungkook yelled. "Why did you do that!?" I asked furiously.

"BECAUSE! I don't like you being with Jimin hyung! I don't like that you would do all this for Jimin, but not for me! And I hate it for the fact that I can't get over you no matter how much I try! I admit it....I took you for granted...I'm sorry..." Jungkook explained.

"I-I love you" Kookie said as he started crying. Me and Jimin were shocked, both of us in silence. Jungkook would never cry if he didn't meant what he said. "Y-You really mean it this time, huh?" I asked as I took Jungkook in my hands. He slowly nodded in response. "Guys...not to ruin the moment, but I need a hospital...." Jimin hyung said as he groaned in pain again.


All of us gathered in front of Jimin's room at the hospital, Jimin laying on a hospital bed inside. "You can see him now." The doctor said as he exited the room.

All of us rushed into the room, greeting Jimin politely. "Who did this to mah baby!" Seokjin hyung screamed frantically. "N-No one did! I fell...really bad..." Jimin lied. The others were getting suspicious. "Fine, we'll take that excuse." Yoongi hyung said.

"Ummm....guys, can I speak to Jungkook and M/n...privately." Jimin hyung requested. "O-Okay..." Taehyung said as all of them left the room. "So....what's up?" Jungkook asked. "Jungkook, are you bipolar? You just broke my arm and became a crazy man less than an hour ago!" Jimin said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I-I'm sorry...." Jungkook said as he looked at the floor. "You're lucky that I'm not a usually a angry person!" Jimin yelled. "But, that's not the reason I wanted you guys to stay here. Jungkook, do you still love M/n?" Jimin hyung asked. Jungkook nodded. "About M/n, do you still love Jungkook?" Jimin hyung asked me. "M-Maybe..." I replied looking elsewhere. "Then it's only right if you two are together." Jimin hyung stated.

"R-Really!? Well, okay then!" Jungkook said excitedly. "N-No it's not! You'll be all alone!" I said. "It's okay, it's not my time to have a partner yet. I'm sure I'll find the right person soon." Jimin hyung said calmly. "Okay then, no more excuses!" Jungkook said as he wrapped his arms around mine. "You sure?" I asked. "I'm sure." Jimin hyung assured me as he smiled.

"Umm...Can we come back in now?" Taehyung said as he knocked at the door. "Yeah, come in." Jimin hyung said as the others re-enter the room.


Taehyung POV.

All of us discussed on who should look after Jiminie, and I got chosen. Honestly, I think it's a bad idea leaving me alone with Jiminie. Somethings....might happen.

"Yah! Taehyung!" Jimin said as he waved his hand at me. "Yeah! Wassup?" I asked. What are you thinking about, huh?" Jimin asked. "N-Nothing! I was just wondering about what broke your arm!" I lied. "But I just told you earlier..." Jimin hyung replied as he made a face. "Well...." I trailed off, blushing like crazy.

"Hey, Taehyung. You like guys, right?" Jimin asked the odd question. "Y-Yeah! W-Why?" I asked, blushing harder and darker. "Is it true, the rumours...That you have feelings for me?" Jimin added. "It's not true! Not at all!" I said as I covered my face. "Then you wouldn't mind sleeping with me?" Jimin asked

"But...that's a bad idea, considering the space on the bed, and the-" I was cut off by Jimin touching my lips with his hand. Fuck.

~to be continued~

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