Carnival Date

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Jimin POV.

I stared at M/n who was looking at his phone. Half of the group were already asleep, except for Seokjin hyung since he was driving the car home. "So....what you did was really brave...and the kiss really turned us on..." I said the weird statement.

"Yeah! You made me erected! All I wanna do now is fap, and it's really taking a long time to get home!" Taehyung said, suddenly wide awake. "And why does that matter to us?" I asked. "Cause I hope you wouldn't mind, cause I want to fap in the car." Taehyung said as he took off his pants.

"We didn't give you a reply!" M/n yelled as both of us closed our eyes. The rest of the journey was horrible, since Taehyung cummed on the seats and floors. 


We all went to our rooms doing out own stuff. Almost half of bangtan slept, some of them were playing video games. I walked into M/n's room, who was reading a book. Hmmmm... that's suprising... I sat beside him, making myself comfortable.

"Ummm...M/n?" I said in a questioning tone. "Yeah." M/n said, instantly looking at me and closing his book. "I want to ask you about something...." I said scracthing the back of my head shyly. "Sure, go ahead." M/n said as he smiled. "I always wanted to go on a date....since, I didn't get a chance to go to one in my earlier days..." I said blushing.

"You mean you want me to take you on a date?" M/n said, already figuring out what I was gonna ask. I nodded shyly, looking somewhere else to avoid eye contact. "Awww...My hyung is blushing!!!!" He said cuddling me. "S-So when are we going?" I asked. "Anywhere you want!" M/n replied as let go of me.

"Really!? Well...I wanna go to a carnival where there's no people but us, and I can get unlimited snacks whenever I want!" I said excitedly. "Doesn't that sound a little impossible?" M/n said as he scratched his head. I frowned. "You told me you would take me anywhere I want!" I said as I threw a tantrum.

"Fine...I'll see what I can do..." M/n said as he chuckled at my behaviour.

Jungkook POV. [He was fake-sleeping the whole time and heard everything]

They're going on a date!? I can't believe it! M/n didn't even take me to a date! It's not fair! If I didn't get to go on a date with M/n, no one can.

What am I thinking? M/n couldn't pull it off, a whole carnival with no people.... Can he? Pffttt...why would you care Jungkook! Your straight! Who am I kidding....I'm not straight....M/n...You're mine and I know you know! I need to do something....I can't let them be together!

~to be continued~

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