11. sidekick, sidekick

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A/N: I don't think this chapter will make sense to you unless you've at least watched one episode of supernatural or you know who the characters are iF YOU DONT:

Dean: very manly, he's been to hell for a year (just chillin)

Sam: a moose, he's like 6'6 or something, very start

Crowley: king of hell, some kind of european accent idek


11 - Sidekick, Sidekick

After a whole entire season of Supernatural (which really just consisted of swearing, funny remarks and Niall talking about which characters would be submissive or dominate in bed with a gay guy) Niall finally lets me leave the couch.

"I'm just saying," Niall continues our argument as I walk into my kitchen. "Castiel would 100% be submissive."

"Did you see how much Dean was sucking up to Cas?" I remark as I open my fridge. "Who the hell are you lying to? Cas is dominate, he just doesn't want to show it."

"Cas isn't even that manly." Niall scoffs. "Dean is manlier."

"Castiel lead a war."

"Castiel laid naked with bees and flowers in fields."

I roll my eyes, "He was mentally unstable, that doesn't even count Niall!"

Niall laughs to himself and flicks through channels.

"What's so funny?" I mutter, grabbing a muffin.

"I think I've turned you a little gay."

"I told you that I'd go gay for Matt Healy only."

"And now you'll go gay for Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelicki, and Misha Collins."

"Misha or Mishaw?"


"Misha?" I scrunch up my face, "Who would name their kid Misha?"

"Misha Collins' parents, you bully." Niall remarks from the living room.

"I mean I'm named Harry and your named Niall which are pretty average names but Misha? God help us all."

Niall cackles and continues to flip through channels.

"Can you make me a sandwich?" He adds, looking up at me.

I raise my eyebrow. "I'm not your wife. Make yourself a sandwich."

Niall groans and rolls off the couch and into the kitchen, leaving the television on the local news.

"Most wanted criminal Niall Horan is loose in London!" The woman reads off the paper, before a picture of Niall appears.

"I don't even look good in that picture." Niall grimaces to himself as he grabs some bread. "I mean if your going to broadcast a picture of me all over the United Kingdom make it a good one."

It suddenly hits me that I'm doing something illegal; Niall is most wanted and I'm hiding him.

I'm practically his sidekick. I'm a bad guy in a way.

"Harry?" Niall mumbled, snapping me out of my muse.

"Yeah?" I look back at him.

"Do you want a sandwich too?" Niall asks.

"Yeah," I exhale. "Thanks. I'm going to go to my room for a bit." I walk past Niall and gently shut my door before sighing.

How the hell could he --the cute little Irish guy that makes sandwiches for everybody-- be most wanted?


"We should go out." Niall announces as I exit my bedroom, half an hour later.

"You are wanted. I bet half of UK know your face by now, Niall."

"I mean like I know I'm wanted but that's the best part."


"I disappear," Niall shrugs, handing me a sandwich before slouching into my couch. "I do something absolutely insane, then I disappear for a little while and they think I've been shot or something like that, then I reappear."

"They don't look for you when you disappear?" I sit beside him.

"They try, but I'm always smarter then them." Niall sighs, "UK police officers make me laugh."

I raise an eyebrow, "Where do you go?"

Niall shrugs. "Anywhere. Last year I went to Canada; it was nice, and cold." Niall's suddenly smiling again.

"What's making you so happy?"

"I met somebody in Canada."

"Really? Who?"

"This girl. She was really nice, I met her when I was straight though," Niall laughs halfheartedly, "She knew who I was and everything but she accepted me. I loved her." Niall murmurs the last part.

"Loved? You don't still love her?" I take a bite out of my sandwich.

"One day we got into a full blown argument and I--" Niall cuts himself off.

"You what?" I whisper.

"I don't want to talk about what I did." Niall murmurs. "But after I did it she called the police on me without thinking. Those Canadian cops sent me here to serve time and of course I escaped and now I met you and I'm here."

"Well whatever you did, I hope she forgives you."

"I hope she does too," Niall whispers. "But I can't even forgive myself."

"Smile again." I frown, poking Niall's face.

Niall was a bit like a ball of sunshine, when he was happy everyone was happy, but when he was sad then everything else seemed sad.

Niall forces a fake grin and I laugh.

"By the way, Canadian cops don't fuck around, they threw a stick at me when I tried to run."

I laugh, "Why did you run?"

"I didn't want to get caught!"

I sigh, "I think I've made you happier in these hours that I've known you."

"I think you have too."

• • •

A/N: just a cute little narry chapter aND OMFG I SEE MARIANAS TRENCH AT A AMUSEMENT PARK TODAY IF IM LUCKY I CAN MEET JOSH RAMSEY YES i also might go on the slingshot ride

If you don't know what the slingshot is its this ride were you sit in a little ball by yourself or with a friend and you LITERALLY get slingshotted into the clouds and then you go back and forth and I'm cringing nevermind I'm not getting myself killed GO WATCH VIDEOS OF PEOPLE ON THE SLINGSHOT THOUGH THEY'RE FUNNY THERE'S A CAMERA IN THE RIDE VIDEOTAPING YOU

if I do meet him I'll update

annnnd sorry if you read the teenage kitten honestly my mind is so blank for that book I NEED IDEAS GIVE ME IDEAS PLS

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