Preference: How they act when you tell them you remember them (Maze)

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You were now a runner, you had been for a long time, you had seen a lot of things. Both you and Minho had run the entire Maze yourselves. Today was no different to any other, you and the runners had made your way out into the maze and split off. Minho wasn't far from your area, he never went too far from you. Today, you would be thankful for it. As you ran your ends, you suddenly tripped. You didn't scream, "shuck!" you shouted, but before you could catch yourself you fell and hit your head. You weren't sure how you got back to the Glade. You were sure the fall had knocked you out. "Move! Give y/n some space!" you thought that was Minho yelling at everyone around you, but you couldn't be sure. You were afraid to open your eyes. You spent a few days resting, you knew yourself something was wrong. You felt disorientated. "How's my favourite runner?" Minho asked, bringing you some of Frypans stew. 

"Alright..." you said unsure, "I had some memories come back when I bashed my head. I'm only just remembering..." you trialled off again and sat in silence as you and Minho ate the stew. He didn't have to ask you what they were off, you were going to tell him anyway, you had to. "I- I think we knew each other before all this..." 

"I don't doubt that for a second," Minho said, "since you arrived, you've been in my dreams every night. I know they aren't real dreams."

GALLY - When you came up in the box, everyone was still getting used to the Maze. You came up after Winston. Back then they didn't know what was normal to say when you came up in the box. You had screamed, shouted, kicked, you fought everyone off. Everyone but Gally, he was able to get you out of the box. He had calmed you down and he made sure you were comfortable. Later, you would find out that he checked on you through the night. 

As more people- boys- came up in the box, your memories did. It was strange, you had asked Newt if anyone else had experienced that. He said that no one had said anything, he asked you what you could remember, "nothing about the Maze, if that's what you mean" you replied, "sorry Newt" you added, placing your hand on his as comfort. 

After more boys came up, it was becoming clear who the memories were of, Gally. The keeper of the builders. The only way to speak to him is if you went and worked next to him. You had asked Alby if you could try building, he didn't argue. The more people learned the better, there were enough people in the Glade to cover everyone's jobs. 

You weren't there five minutes and Gally was already trying to take over what you were doing. "Y/n, you are going to hurt yourself" he would say as he snatched the tool you were holding out of your hand. 

"I'm not five, Gally, I can handle it!" You snatched the tool back and carried on. You ignored the number of times you had caught Gally looking at you. 

A week later and you had begun to outshine the other builders. You were doing better here than any other station, you hoped Alby would see and move you over here. Today, you were helping Gally with a new shack he was building. "I've been having some memories come back you know," you said. He looked at you as if to say 'so?'. "I was just wondering if you have? I asked Newt be he said that no-"

"No, I haven't," Gally said, cutting you off. 

You carried on as though Gally had never spoken, "One had said they had any memories back. At first, I didn't know what they were about... I do now," you paused as you handed Gally a hammer, "they're of you." As you said that, he dropped the hammer, it just missed his foot. 

He avoided you from then on. But, you being you, tried to talk to him at every given turn. "Hi, Gally." Nothing. "How're the builders doing without me?" Nothing. "You'll have to talk to me at some point." Nothing. "It's a small world we live in, Gally, literally." Nothing. "Don't you want to know what the memories are?" Finally, you get a reply. 

TERESA - She has recognised Thomas instead of you and that really stung. It stung more than a griever and you knew what that was like. After Gally survived the changing... you figured you would give it a go. You wanted to know what that thing in the back of your mind was. Now it was coming in handy. At first, you avoided her, you were trying to find out ways to tell her. It was after the grievers came, that's when you had to tell her. "Teresa?" You began, she looked up at you. She was hard to read, but there was something about you that relaxed her. She let you in naturally, "erm-" you stutter as you sit down next to her. She was dangling her feet over the box. "You know you shouldn't do that," you say, as you cross your legs up, "some guy did that before..." you trailed off to create suspense, "lost his legs, you know." Teresa looked shocked, you tried to hide your grin, "yeah! It was awful..." again you trailed off and allowed your smile to show. 

She shoved you playfully, "I almost believed you for a minute" she laughed. 

"I actually want to tell you something, it might make me want to jump down this hole..." you point down, Teresa shook her head as if you were being stupid, "oh trust me... it might," You said firmly, you took a large breath. "I can remember you from before... all this" you motioned around you, "they put me in here for a reason and I don't know if you know why but I do." You stopped talking to see what Teresa's reaction was but she was good at hiding herself from people. You started to close yourself up at Teresa said nothing, only frowned looking down the hole where you had all come up in either 2 days, a month, a year or three. "Gally isn't the only one her to survive the changing- well Gally and Thomas- I wanted answers and I went and got them the only way I knew how. There was something in the back of my mind that wanted to come out." You paused again, this time looking at Teresa who was finally looking at you, "it was you, the memory of you.

Thanks for reading! I've included these as I am struggling with requests but wanted to give you all something. 

If you want any of these as full imagine then don't hesitate to ask, but remember that I'm a slow writer ahaha 

Thanks again! 

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