"Oreos" Robin x teen!Reader

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Author's P.O.V

It was a normal sunny day in the Gotham city. The birds were singing, people were smiling to each other and...

- JOKER!!! COME BACK HERE AND GIVE ME BACK THOSE!!!- was heard a girl scream from the Wayne's Manor and someone laughing.

What the heck is going on there?

Young 16 years old (Y/N) was running after the laughing dressed in purple clown with green hair. They passed Alfred who's face was... well "...".
But then the villain took another corridor and when she reached it he just disappeared. Like dust.
- Hell! - She cursed walking back to her guest room. She was best friend of Robin, Mr Wayne's adopted son, and when I mean BEST I mean the only friend of him.
But little did she know that Robin has a BIG crush on her from the first time he layed his eyes on her.
He still remember that day. In school he was rather shy and don't contact well with other teenagers. They pick on him sometimes because of his childish behavior and being a little nerdy. Well he likes to lern before the unexcpected tests and do his homework. That's unusual for a boy at his age.
Well that one day they were picking on him as well but then he heard her voice the first time in his life, and he never heard such a cute voice in his life. She stand up for him and then befriend with him...
But there was quite difference between them. Well she's kind of badass and mean to people that aren't nice to her pals and family and he's a kind, nerdy and a little gentleman boy.  He listen to Mr Bruce and Batdad, she doesn't listen to any of her anyone.

But after all they like each other.
And yes that day he fall in love at the fist sign. He just loved sometimes staring at her (h/c) (h/l) hair or her beautiful (e/c) eyes. He loves when she giggles whenever he did something in his clumsy cute way.

And to be honest she liked him as well. And when I say like I mean that she like like him. She found him really adorable sometimes and she can't help but fall for this little boy wearing too big circular glasses.

So today she was staying at his place for the weekend because her parents go for vocation to New York.
She just come back a hour ago from the nearest shop and she bought the last pack of oreos that was in the shop. And now that Damn Joker steal them and run off before she could hurt him.
- Damn you Joker... it's too late and now I can't go buy another pack of those... the shops are closed...- She said to herself face landing on the bed sheets while signing sadly. And now until tomorrow she would need to deal with deep depression because there's no oreos in Wayne's Manor or other chocolate cookies with milk cream. And only tomorrow she could go and buy another pack.

I don't wonder why she's lost her reason to life for now.
Ah poor (Y/N) I know the pain.

While she was in her deep depression Robin burst into her room with a big grin.
- Hey! (Y/N) do you want to watch a movie? My dad had a ci-- Whoa! What happened to you?!- he asked and hurried up to you sitting on your bed beside you with worry in his eyes.
- Nothing. That Damn Joker steal my oreos and I can't go buy another ones...
- Oh... that bad...- he said looking at you with a sad smile.
- You say so? - you mumbled hiding your face in your pillow giving a fake sob.
- Oh... you know... I can share mine cookies with you if that would cheer you up.- he said looking at you giving you a small smile.
- Really?- you sit up looking at him with hope filling your eyes. He gave you a small nod making you grin.
- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ROBIN! YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND EVER!!! - You screamed giving him a big hug, fortunately you didn't saw his big blush on his cheeks when you say you 'Love him'.

She love me... but as a friend way of care... or maybe she meant something else? - he thought filled with determination.

- So... so you wanna go take the sweets and watch a movie? My dad has his own cinema room here.- he said taking her hand in his and run in the direction of his room.

~ a few minutes later...

Robin and (Y/N) are sitting together in the cinema room watching some comedy movie having fun together. They're laughing at funny scenes and eat the sweets they choose.
But then they accidentaly hold each other's hand in the bag of cookies gummies and other sweets. They looked at each other and then blushed and looked away from each other letting of each other's hand.
But they still from time to time looked at each other secretly again blushing and smiling dreamily.

~ somewhere else...

- Aww... Aren't they look adorable, Mr.J? - asked Harley looking at the screen.
- Yes. My plan worked out.- he smiled looking at his ship becoming real. He took one of the oreos and eat it. Then another and another...
- I don't wonder now why she was so bravely fighing for those! They're delicious!- She said taking another bite of her cookie.
- Yes, you're right... OH!!! Look! He put his arm around her! Oh! And she laid her head on his arm!!!- he squealed like typical fangirl seeing her ship becoming real.

Well... that's what happening right now I quess...

- Could you shut up? My ears are bleeding because of you! Geez they're just some stupid teens.- I said glaring at them.

- No their not! They're teenagers that are like jing and jang and they're madly in love! And because of my perfect plan they're gonna kiss each other, date each other, then marry and have children and a HAPPY EVER AFTER!!!- he screamed the last part with big grin.
- Okay, whatever... Dude maybe give them some privacy? You're creepy.- I said walking out of the room.

Geez sometimes he's a an ass... really...


Well It's da end so if you liked my first one then comment!
Sorry for any mistakes I suck at grammar :<

    ~Burn ;*

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